Listening to good angels!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The devil left him, and angels came and attended him.” (Matthew 4:11)
The word angel means ‘messenger’, one who brings a message.
Good angels bring good messages, bad angels (the devil) bring bad.
In this story, I see Jesus struggling with negative, deceptive voices.
Thoughts attacking or accusing his mind, trying to defeat him.
Jesus refuses these bad voices, and they finally stop (for now).
In their place Jesus hears encouraging words, angels of love.
We also experience negative voices, thoughts that drag us down.
We also experience positive voices, thoughts that lift us up.
Jesus chose to reject the negative voices, and welcomed the good ones.
Which messages do I dwell on, which voices do I listen to?
God sends positive messengers all the time, but do we hear them?
God uses positive family, friends or strangers, or positive experiences.
Don’t be so quick to deny or dismiss them, welcome them as angels.
The Lord wants to attend me, will I pay attention?
Lord Jesus, there are just as many good thoughts and voices coming to me as there are bad, yet for some reason I listen more to the bad. Help me to listen to you, and your messengers of hope.

One Comment

  1. I agree that we all experience negative and positive voices because like you said yesterday Satan can also quote Scripture… and so now…?????
    Depending on what is happening in my life, it is sometimes very noisy in my head and it’s exhausting.
    And I agree.. that is when the family, friends etc (angels) come into play.
    My best friend is Jesus. He says to me “let’s go for a walk and see if we can figure out the next move. ”
    The issue might not be resolved but I do feel a quiet peace, and can continue on.

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