Do to others as…


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31)
We want people to be fair to us, and to help us if we need it.
We do not want them to look down on us, or to shame us.
What if we would treat others the way we wanted to be treated?
Sin has a way of distorting our actions in our own favour.
We want to be treated fairly, but somehow forget this for others.
Jesus urges us to put ourselves in their shoes.
If that were me, how would I want them to treat me.
But we need to be careful; even how we do this can be selfishly twisted.
Love looks for the whole story, and does not assume we know better.
If we experienced ALL that they had, would we have acted differently?
Jesus is challenging me to love people deeply, not judge them.
This is more than a good suggestion, it is the Law (Matthew 7:12).
Consider God’s mercy to me; I need this as much as they do!
Love them with the same depth and intensity that we want to be loved!
Lord, help me to see others as no different from me, equally in need of mercy and grace. Help me to put myself in their shoes!


  1. “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you” This is not natural – rather revenge and retribution is in our nature – especially when it is just – or at least we think so. Time to change the thinking – is what Jesus is saying. The retribution road doesn’t lead to love – to reconciliation. Help me Lord to be as generous with forgiveness and grace as your are Lord Jesus. Giving away my coat is one think – but letting go of revenge, hate – it another. But I need to in order to love! Help me to love as you do!!

  2. ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you.’ This is like the summary of the law: Love God; love one another. As far as it depends upon me, live at peace with all. That is living the JOY principal – Jesus first – Others second – Yourself in last place. And the JOY of the Lord God will give you and me strength to live like that for Him.

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    The Joy Of The Lord Is My Strength

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