Jesus is looking at me!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Jesus looked directly at them and asked…” (Luke 20:17)
Jesus is constantly challenging the religious leaders.
“They knew He had spoken this parable against them.” (Luke 20:19)
In this parable Jesus compares them to ungrateful, cruel tenants!
God has planted this amazing creation vineyard.
But are we caring for it for God, so God can enjoy it’s fruit?
Do we fill ourselves and refuse to let others share in it’s blessing?
Do I use my blessings for myself but not to bless God and others?
Am I inclined to ignore Jesus so I can enjoy my life my way?
We are too quick to use the bible to point out other’s flaws.
Jesus is looking directly at me as I read these words.
He is gently challenging me about my life, my gratitude, my priorities.
Jesus is not being mean; he loves us and wants to help us grow.
Pay attention to the gentle rebuke we may feel as we read.
Don’t be like the religious leaders who looked for a way to silence Jesus.
Lord, you are speaking to me, and that can be uncomfortable. Help me not to look away from you, but to allow your gentle rebuke to help me learn and grow.


  1. Rejecting the rock: “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone?” – all other ground is sinking sand! Jesus is the rock – the foundation of my faith. Without him it means nothing – with him it is everything – the cornerstone! The leaders had rejected Jesus as that rock – as the Messiah – many did but I’m sure after the resurrections many did turn when they remember his teachings and realize the truth. Help me to help others find the way and take you Lord Jesus also as their saviour – as the Lord of their life!

  2. Hearing the word, the religious leaders insisted upon their own way. The feared the people and not the Lord . They heard Him speak but listened only to their own evil desires. I too am in His garden – working – to make a better place. I need to listen to His voice saying ‘Do this and live.’ I need to be intune with the Lord – open ears, open eyes, open heart – in order to do His will. Living for Jesus. Living in His garden each day as He continues to lead and direct me in His way.

    1 Lord, speak to me that I may speak
    In living echoes of your tone.
    As you have sought, so let me seek
    Your erring children, lost and lone.

    2 Oh, lead me, Lord, that I may lead
    The wand’ring and the wav’ring feet.
    Oh, feed me, Lord, that I may feed
    Your hungry ones with manna sweet.

    3 Oh, teach me, Lord, that I may teach
    The precious truths which you impart.
    And wing my words that they may reach
    The hidden depths of many a heart.

    4 Oh, fill me with your fullness, Lord,
    Until my very hearts o’erflows
    In kindling thought and glowing word,
    Your love to tell, your praise to show.

    5 Oh, use me, Lord, use even me,
    Just as you will, and when, and where
    Until your blessed face I see,
    Your rest, your joy, your glory share.

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