When he doesn’t answer!?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Neither will I tell you…” (Luke 20:8)
Why doesn’t Jesus answer their question, why is he evasive?
I think his answer says something about God for us as well.
He senses they are not seeking wisdom or genuine understanding.
They are on the attack and want to trap him in his words.
Jesus turns their game on them and traps them in their own words.
He does not answer them because they don’t really want his answer.
I wonder whether we experience the same with God?
Could our requests or concerns be complaints in disguise?
Do we really seek wisdom or are we more concerned for ourselves?
Jesus followers come to Jesus with open, sincere hearts.
If we trust Jesus, we will trust his answers, or lack of them.
We should be honest about our motives, he knows them anyways.
He may not always give us the answer we want.
But seeing how much he loves us, we can trust his non-answers too.
Lord, I do wish your answers to me would be clearer, or more in line with the answers I wanted. But I choose to trust you, and will wait for you to show me your love.


  1. Two questions the leaders at the temple asked Jesus: “Tell us by what authority you are doing these things,” they said. “Who gave you this authority?”. That is a key question – it challenges us to answer who Jesus is. Was he a mere man or was he sent from God – like the prophets. Yet the Bible teaches us that He is more than that. The leaders did not think he was the Messiah – at least not the Messiah they were expecting – so they challenged his authority but then they even challenged the authority of John the Baptist. Since they refused to answer Jesus’ question starlight out, he avoided telling them directrly – although He had said it before. He did later answer Herod’s similar question about who he was – but still like the leaders, Herod too caved to the wishes of the Chief priests and elders! I believe Jesus is the son of God/son of man – the saviour – and he has the authority from God himself for he is God as well!

  2. The religious leaders asked a question of Jesus to trap Him because they didn’t like all the people following Him instead of themselves. When I talk to the Lord are my requests sefish desires or ways to be a blessing in His kingdom? Whose will am I following? Jesus Saviour pilot me. His will needs to be done and I need to be aligned to His way. He leads and guides me in the way I need to walk – in His SonShine. Trust and obey. As a small child I too need to see and say – Jesus is the answer.

    When we walk with the Lord
    in the light of his word,
    what a glory he sheds on our way!
    While we do his good will,
    he abides with us still,
    and with all who will trust and obey.

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