To actually see!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“All peoples see his glory.” (Psalm 97:6)
If we look upwards, we see (with limited sight) a vast universe.
The expanse of the ‘heavens’ reveal something awesome and glorious.
I’ve always been struck when experts say the universe is expanding.
My response is always, ‘expanding into what?’
All people see God’s glory, whether they realize it or not.
Through a microscope or a telescope, we are peering into glory.
Science helps us see the deep mysteries and wonders of God’s creation.
But sadly we dissect the mystery and wonder out of it all.
We may know a frog better by dissecting it, but the frog is dead.
Do we see the glory around us or experience the divine wonder?
Do we feel the God-ness behind the words ‘the universe is expanding’?
All peoples see his glory, but do they comprehend it?
God is not dead… our sense of mystery, wonder and faith are.
Take a moment to look ‘into’ the heavens; experience God’s glory!
Lord, we see it everyday, and yet we do not see it. Open my eyes to see your glory all around me.


  1. Shortsighted or trying to control God? “All who worship images are put to shame, those who boast in idols—worship him, all you gods!” How stupid we can be, how near sighted to think that we can sum up God with our limited human thinking, We are not better than the old day idol worshippers – very limited in our thinking. God is so beyond that, rather “Light shines[a] on the righteous and joy on the upright in heart.” Knowing and getting to know God through our walk with Jesus- to revel in what we can see around us and what we see happening in creation – we get to know God and experience His awesome power and yet love through Jesus! May you light continue to shine on me Lord!

  2. Light shines. Sonshine.
    The joy of the Lord God is my strength.
    Even in the happenings in the world tody I see His hand, His mighty power – like the lightning lightening the heavens and the thunder shaking the earth. Although I walk in His SonShine, I still need open eyes to see His majesty and power every day for He is here. Emmanuel.

    In The Stars His Handiwork I See,
    On The Wind He Speaks With Majesty,
    ‘Though He Ruleth Over Land And Sea,
    What Is That To Me?

    I Will Celebrate Nativity,
    For It Has A Place In History,
    Sure, He Came To Set His People Free,
    What Is That To Me?

    Till By Faith I Met Him Face To Face,
    And I Felt The Wonder Of His Grace,
    Then I Knew That He Was More Than Just
    A God Who Didn’t Care,
    That Lived A Way Out There And (Now)
    Now He Walks Beside Me Day By Day,
    Ever Watching O’er Me Lest I Stray,
    Helping Me To Find That Narrow Way,
    He’s Everything To Me.

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