Do I see what is happening?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“How is it you don’t know how to interpret this present time?” (Luke 12:56)
Jesus suggests we can interpret what is happening in the world.
Think it through, where is our world drifting?
The gap between rich and poor, addiction and mental illness…
Family dysfunctionality, social and racial tensions…
Moral relativism and depravity, rampant greed, sexual abuse…
Distrust of institutions, political corruption, extreme politics…
The impact of global warming and creation abuse is being felt…
The world is not getting better and better, new issues replace old ones!
People are lost, confused, desperate, defeated!
Jesus’ frustration is not with the world, but with religious people.
Our world needs Jesus, not church or religion or religious politics.
Our world needs God’s kingdom; grace and justice for all (v.33).
Our world is in crisis; now is the time to act, not to bury our heads.
Let’s join with Jesus in bringing hope, healing and reconciliation.
Lord, burying my head will not help. I cannot save the world, but you can. Help me to do my small part in bringing hope, healing and reconciliation to this sad hurting world.


  1. “How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time?” Can we be oblivious to what is happening around us? I think so. It used to be more obvious when working in developing countries – but complacency sets in so easy when life seems to be good. Yet there is hurt, hunger and injustice even at home! This is not our home – it is temporary. Jesus will come back – in the meantime help me to help others deal with the times – the issues today. Help me to be vigilant and wise given the ‘voices’ and trends today!

  2. Sign of the times.
    How do I read the times, the happenings of today in the world?
    How do I see God in all the happenings – tornadoes, extreme weather, wars, famines, droughts, too much rain, . . .
    How do I see God speaking to His people?
    All these happenings should turn people to the Lord Who is in charge of this His creation. All too often we think we are king of our man made castles which are crumbling down. God is in charge. The peoples of the land need to return to Him. I need to speak of His power and might, His presence in our daily affairs. He is with His people and they/I need to proclaim that God is God and He is in charge. This is His world. Our world belongs to God and none other.

    Am I a soldier of the Cross—
    A follower of the Lamb?
    And shall I fear to own His cause,
    Or blush to speak His name?
    In the name, the precious name,
    Of Him who died for me,
    Through grace I’ll win the promised crown,
    Whate’er my cross may be.
    Must I be carried to the skies
    On flowery beds of ease,
    While others fought to win the prize
    And sailed through bloody seas?
    Are there no foes for me to face?
    Must I not stem the flood?
    Is this vile world a friend to grace,
    To help me on to God?
    Since I must fight if I would reign,
    Increase my courage, Lord!
    I’ll bear the toil, endure the pain,
    Supported by Thy Word.

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