Still hanging on to hope!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“This generation will not pass away until these things have happened.” (Mark 13:30)
Jesus is referring to the events of AD 70, when Rome destroys Jerusalem.
Those were terrible times, and since then the world hasn’t gotten any better.
Every generation since that time has endured times of sin’s fury unleashed.
Like ‘whack-a-mole’, evil and violence keep popping up somewhere in the world.
Its been a LONG time since Jesus said this, so when will he be coming?
I am not one to predict the end, it will come when it comes.
The signs of the times are not worse today, they are just different.
It can be depressing to focus on what is going wrong in the world.
But looking away from it doesn’t make it go away, we need something to look to!
“The Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.” (Mark 13:26)
Through all the brokenness and misery of this sin-messed world, I look for hope.
The fig tree sprouting can also be seen positively – signs of Jesus at work.
Every day I see signs of Jesus – love, mercy, grace – and it keeps me hoping!
Jesus is at work, if you pay attention… but you have to be looking for it to see him!
Lord, your kingdom better be coming, THIS world is really messed up. Help me to stay focused on the little signs of your goodness at work.


  1. I don’t know when I will reach the end of my time – the clock keeps ticking as long as my heart does. Jesus said: “…when you see these things happening, you know that it[a] is near, right at the door.” We see things happening – I have on a number of occasions thought – now would be a good time for you to come Lord Jesus – but it may be that my life will end before Jesus comes – no matter what I rest assured that Jesus will come for me at the right time. IN the meantime, let me busy like the 2 hardworking servants in the parable!

  2. Looking at the fig tree we see the changes in growth according to the season. All I need to do is look and see. So it is with God’s love and presence. All I need to do is look and see. Even in imes like today, all I need to do and see God’s presence. At the end of each day I need to ask myself the question, Where did I see God this day? In my busyness I need to keep my eyes on Jesus.

    Keep Your Eyes On Jesus,
    When The Tidal Waves Of Trouble Round You Roll.
    Keep Your Eyes On Jesus,
    He Will Calm The Storms Of Life That Toss Your Soul.

    Living In A World That’s Full Of Sorrow.
    We Are Tried And Tempted Every Day.
    Knowing Not The Secret Of Tomorrow.
    We Find Refuge When We Watch And Pray.

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