We still don’t understand!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“They did not understand what he meant and were afraid to ask…” (Mark 9:32)
What Jesus says confuses them: he will be “delivered into the hands of men.”
Why would he let himself be killed, and then come back alive in three days?
Jesus’s death and resurrection are the strangest, yet most important part of the story.
God delivers the promised messiah (Son of Man) to be manhandled and murdered.
Jesus humbly and graciously submits to the cruelty and the curse of sin.
What is hard for us to understand is that THIS is how Jesus defeats sin and death.
“He humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name.” (Philippians 2:8)
Not only does Jesus beat sin through humility and grace, he calls us to follow him.
We think power and forcefulness is needed, but God wants us to humbly love and bless.
This is the Jesus Way that he is still teaching us today and calling us to follow.
When we follow the Jesus Way, God exalts us and overcomes sin through us!
The best way to handle a cruel or unfaithful person or situation is humility and grace.
This is the part of the gospel I think Christians today still do not understand.
Lord, we still struggle with how suffering and dying can be part of the plan, and what we are called to follow. Keep on teaching me, and help me not to be afraid to admit I don’t understand it.


  1. ‘But they did not understand what he meant and were afraid to ask him” I think I would be in the same boat with them – not understanding and afraid to ask. Even so they would remember that he had told them even though they did not understand. That they did not understand just verifies the truth for me. If they had understood I think the authenticity would have been lost for me. Also, how many would have stuck around if Jesus had been able to persuade them of the truth or would they have sabotaged Jesus’ mission? Looking ahead and see Peter’s attempt in the garden with the drawn sword –

  2. Jesus teaches His disciples about what was to happen. This is the second time and they did not understand. What Jesus told them was not the plan they had in mind. They were afraid to ask what Jesus meant. Fear had seized them. I am still being taught by His Word and His presence following Him. He continues to call His own, saying this is the way. Walk in it. I need to walk in His Sonshine every day following His leading and guiding. I may not understand all the happenings in my life but I need to place my hand into His as He continues to lead me and guide me. Oen my eyes Lord.

    Lord, I would clasp thy hand in mine,
    nor ever murmur nor repine;
    content, whatever lot I see,
    since ’tis my God that leadeth me.

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