I want me to want to follow you!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Whoever wants to be my disciple must…” (Mark 8:34)
Look at this list, at what Jesus says is involved: do you want this?
If we WANTED to be Jesus’s disciple, we would be pursuing it… right?
We wouldn’t wait for it to just happen, we would work towards it.
If I want to learn French, I just don’t sit around and wait.
I buy books, I develop exercises, I put myself around others who speak it.
What Jesus describes – sacrificial generosity with Jesus – do we desire it?
The scary thing is, there is not scaled down version of discipleship.
Either you WANT it – and you take steps towards it – or you don’t.
What Jesus describes is contrary to our self-centered way of thinking and being.
It goes against the current of human nature – the current that leads to the falls.
Our world is the mess it is because we do not see this way as desirable, beneficial.
And the only way God’s kingdom can be restored is if we pursue this way with Jesus.
Will I seek this, will I pursue this, will I find others to help me with this?
“Whoever wants to be (a Christian, a believer) must…”
Lord, this life is impossible for me, yet I need it, I WANT it. I need your help, but I also need my intention. Help me to WANT it more!


  1. I remember as a newly activated believer there were times I did not dare speak up – even now I am guarded because I do not want create distaste for the claims of the Gospel. Jesus said, “If anyone is ashamed of me and my words” – maybe it was fear and not shame – afraid of what others would say that kept me quiet when I could have spoken up for the sake of the gospel – I admit and regret that. Now I do ask for the Spirit’s guidance so that I may speak or not speak – to say the words or do the things that can be used by the HS to work in someone else’s life. Help me Lord never to be ashamed or afraid anymore – but rather to listen to your voice – encouraging and enabling me!

  2. All for Jesus.
    I need to live my life in JOY for the joy of the Lord God is my strength. Jesus needs to be first in all I do and say. Others second and yourself in last place. And that takes work and effort and thought and action. This is the only true way to find happiness – doing all things His way. Happiness is – living for Jesus. That’s true living.

    esus, all for Jesus,
    All I am and have and ever hope to be.
    Jesus, all for Jesus,
    All I am and have and ever hope to be.

    All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
    I surrender these into Your hands.
    All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
    I surrender these into Your hands.

    For it’s only in Your will that I am free,
    For it’s only in Your will that I am free,
    Jesus, all for Jesus,
    All I am and have and ever hope to be.

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