Sitting and watching?

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 27:32-37

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“And sitting down, they kept watch over him there.” (Matthew 27:36)
I am trying to imagine how the soldiers could do this.
It was their job, so they had no choice – they had to sit and watch.
But in my mind I see them lounging, joking around, wondering how long it will take.
Did they feel any pity for those crucified, or was it entertainment?
I’ve seen movies that portray the crucifixion, and I cannot just sit and watch.
At some point though do we become desensitized to it?
How can we watch movies with war, violence, abuse, gore… as entertainment?
To not see the victims as brothers and sisters, as much-loved children of God.
People have studied how ‘civilized’ people could take part in crimes against humanity.
Jesus steps into our brutal, violent world and absorbs the horror of it.
He refuses to just sit and watch, he exposes it for what it is.
I watch this in horror, feeling sick to my stomach that people can be treated like this.
And then I recall that it still happens all over the world – I watch it on the news.
Am I becoming desensitized to it?
Lord, you never become desensitized to this. I don’t want to just sit and watch. Help me to hate it as much as you do, and to be angry when it happens.

One Comment

  1. “they offered Jesus wine to drink, mixed with gall; but after tasting it, he refused to drink it.” I’m assuming they offered this to help dull the senses – Jesus would have none of it – He wanted to maintain his acuity – He had to finish the job- Jesus did not want his senses/his control compromised! He bore the full brunt of the pain and maintained His control to fully accomplish His mission – to fully pay for the sin – once and for all. Thank you Lord Jesus for your control – for not allowing yourself to be derailed from the saving objective!!

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