Jesus in all his strength!

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 27:27-31

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Hail, king of the Jews!” (Matthew 27:29)
I have dedicated my life to following this Jesus as my king.
But when I talk about Jesus, some people smirk at the folly.
A weak man from the distant past who urged people to turn the other cheek.
Here we see what comes of this Jesus – stripped, beaten, spit on, mocked.
At this moment, Jesus does not seem to be in his best moment.
And yet I would argue that this is Jesus at his best.
He refuses to play politics or to use violence to win.
He lives out what he constantly preached – the way to overcome evil.
These soldiers represent evil, and Jesus refuses to join them in it.
Our world is a cruel, hurtful place where people are mocked and beaten all the time.
Jesus comes to save us from this world, and to show us how to beat such evil.
We do not win by playing evil’s game; we overcome evil with goodness.
Personally I am not strong enough to be like this – I am still too weak.
But I am thankful that Jesus was strong for me, and has beaten evil at its own game.
Lord, when I want to join in the mockery or cruelty, help me to see you standing there, and see in you the greatest strength of all. A humble, gracious love even for these soldiers.

One Comment

  1. Jesus totally humiliated and mocked. The soldiers were having fun not only with Jesus but I think also about the Jews – they dressed Jesus up as a king and mocked him to be the “King of the Jews” – yet unknowingly they affirmed that Jesus really is the King and Pilate affirmed that too by declaring on the name plate on the cross – King of the Jews – not that is what Jesus said. The Jews did not admit it and the Roman soldiers made fun of it and Pilate caved in – still in fear – trying to publicly wash his hands from the whole sordid affair. Jesus is the King – He is my King – my Lord! Let me serve Him – not neglect or ‘mock’ Him in anyway!

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