We share the same Maker!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“In that day people will look to their Maker.” (Isaiah 17:7)
These two chapters contain warnings to Israel (ch.17) and Egypt (Cush, ch.18).
To those who become arrogant and forget their Maker, and act as if they know better.
We can read these chapters as warnings to the church and the world today.
All people – churched and unchurched – share the same starting point: God.
Paul quotes Greek philosophers who say the same thing:
“‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ (Epimenides)
‘We are his offspring.’”(Aratus, Acts 17:28)

The Greeks, Egyptians, Israelites, Canadians, Koreans, etc. share the same Maker.
The day will come when all people will acknowledge God and Jesus (Philippians 2:11).
Isaiah predicts this too, how foreigners will bring gifts to the Lord (Isaiah 18:2,7).
We are all God’s family, equally graced through Jesus, and warned as well.
God comes to the world in Jesus to draw all people back to their Maker.
Jesus is restoring God’s house as a place of prayer for all nations (Marks 11:17).
We are no better, we are no worse; we all need Jesus, and God wants us all to come back!
Lord, help me to see people of different cultures and races as my brothers and sisters, equally loved and in need of your grace, mercy and love.


  1. “At that time gifts will be brought to the Lord Almighty” Gifts from the oppressor – how things will turn around. Yes the oppressor nations will be punished but in time they too will be bringing gifts to the Lord Almighty! Just reflect on the hate at time for the Germans – for the Nazis – but that has turned. Hate and sin is overcome – one day all will be cleansed. So even when we see oppression and authoritarian rule – we can have hope. We pray especially for the victims – for the oppressed – the refugees that have fled. Let us do all we can to help the oppressed. We begin with gifts to agencies that help. May God bless our giving to that end. We look forward to the day when people from all nations will join as one to bring gifts to the Lord Almighty!

  2. Praise the Saviour now and for ever.
    God sits on His throne and He sees all – all of my doings and the actions of His people, all people. And the people bring gifts to the Lord God Almighty. All peoples need to do this – to serve Him and praise Him daily for our God loves all people who come into His presence for only then do we have life and life eternal.

    1 Come into God’s presence singing

    2 Come into God’s presence singing
    “Jesus is Lord,
    Jesus is Lord,
    Jesus is Lord.”

    3 Praise the Lord together singing
    “Worthy the Lamb,
    worthy the Lamb,
    worthy the Lamb.”

    4 Praise the Lord together singing
    “Glory to God,
    glory to God,
    glory to God.”

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