Connecting people to Jesus


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“And in that place many believed in Jesus.” (John 10:42)
I would love to see this myself – many people believing in Jesus.
Sometimes I wonder why we do not see this as much in my church experience.
I have friends from other churches who see people coming to Jesus all the time.
In our tradition we have the usual crew of youth doing profession of faith.
This is great, but why do we see this, but not people outside the church.
(The rare exception is someone who marries into the church).
With youth in the church, and those who marry in, they are connected.
When we gather at church we speak about believing in Jesus.
Maybe our problem is that we’re not connecting with people outside the church.
And if we do, Jesus is not an obvious part of our life to others.
People need to see and hear in us that Jesus is important.
My friends from other traditions do talk about Jesus outside the church.
In this passage Jesus went to where the people were, and connected with them.
Maybe we need to get Jesus out of our church, and into our community?
Lord, its easy to talk about you at church, everyone expects it. Help me – help us to bring you with us outside of church (in word and deed), so they can believe in you too!


  1. John was a herald – a person who announced the coming of Jesus – and what he said came true and because of that many believed: “Though John never performed a sign, all that John said about this man was true.” I too must walk and do the talk – if I don’t why would others believe? Actions speak loudly! Lord help me to walk humble and genuinely – to bear witness to the hope I have in you. Help me not to be anxious or fearful especially in times of uncertainty – but be diligent and trusting in you fully as I walk and live each day!

  2. A gathering place. The people came to John. Now the people came to Jesus in the same place. The word must have been shared who had been here before. The Word proclaimed there was powerful and the Word proclaimed by Jesus, people came to hear. You and I need to share the Word received in our gathering place that many more will hear that Word.

    I am the church! You are the church!
    We are the church together!
    All who follow Jesus,
    all around the world!
    Yes, we’re the church together!

    1. The church is not a building;
    the church is not a steeple;
    the church is not a resting place;
    the church is a people.


    2. We’re many kinds of people,
    with many kinds of faces,
    all colours and all ages, too
    from all times and places.


    3. Sometimes the church is marching;
    sometimes it’s bravely burning,
    sometimes it’s riding, sometimes hiding;
    always it’s learning.


    4. And when the people gather,
    there’s singing and there’s praying;
    there’s laughing and there’s crying sometimes,
    all of it saying:


    5. At Pentecost some people
    received the Holy Spirit
    and told the Good News through the world
    to all who would hear it.

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