I know that voice!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“His sheep follow him because they know his voice.” (John 10:4)
It always strikes me as fascinating that sinners and strugglers were drawn to Jesus.
They were scared or repulsed by religious people, but they came to Jesus.
It was not that he didn’t challenge them, but that he did it in a loving way.
Jesus gave them value, respect, kindness, as well as the offer of life.
Not a qualified life, but full life, full and complete welcome.
I sense his voice in me, and I am willing to follow him.
His voice is not always easy, but it is always good and gracious.
There are times when his gate is open, other times when his gate is closed.
But I have discovered that there is good reason for why the gate is closed.
With Jesus I find pasture for my soul, and protection from thieves and robbers.
With Jesus I can discern which paths to follow, and which to avoid.
I still wander and stray, and I do not always do what he says.
But his voice remains, gently encouraging and warning me… and I am drawn back.
I cannot explain how I sense it, but I do; I know his voice, and I will follow him.
Lord, you are the voice of God to me. In you I hear God reminding me who I am, and the life that God wants for me. I like what I hear… I will follow you!


  1. Having raised sheep ourselves – it was uncanny how the sheep knew and trusted us. This teaching of Jesus came alive. So we too must listen for the great shepherd’s voice as he comes to us and calls us. Then we too will be let in: Jesus said: “I am the gate for the sheep”. Follow his voice to safety, to security, to peace. Lord thank you for being my Shepherd!

  2. The shepherd knows the needs of the sheep. He provides food, shelter, protection. I need that protection and guidance as I live for Him. I need to heed His voice to lead me in His way as I serve Him as His disciple, His follower. Lead and guide me Lord so that I walk always in Your Way and never stray. I am always in Your presence.

    Lead me oh lord, won’t you lead me
    I am tired and I need thy strength and power
    To guide me over my darkest hour
    For just open my eyes that I may see
    Lead me oh lord, won’t you lead me
    Lead me, guide me along the way
    For if you lead me I cannot stray
    Or just open my eyes that I may see
    Lead me oh lord, won’t you lead me
    I am lost if you take your hand from me
    I am blind without thy light to see
    Lord just always let me thy servant be
    Lead me oh lord, won’t you lead me
    Lead me, guide me along the way
    For if you lead me I cannot stray

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