Ordinary evangelists


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” (John 9:25)
This uneducated blind man speaks truth from his heart, and is attacked for it.
People are still looked down on for simple or inadequate lives or beliefs.
Theologians may look down on ordinary believers for their simple bible ideas.
Scientists may look down on all believers for incredulous religious beliefs.
Pastors may look down on ordinary believers for their shallow lives and beliefs.
But this man has a simple, ordinary wisdom that should not be ignored.
He may know very little about lots of things, but he does know Jesus.
He had experienced Jesus, and no one can take this away from him.
Jesus loves to use ordinary, unschooled people to impact the world. (Acts 4:13)
Their only qualification is that they “have been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13).
Be very careful about how you think about those who seem ‘below’ you.
The Lord can use anyone – young, old, uneducated, educated, ordinary or famous.
So long as they surrender to Jesus – he will work in and through them.
Even the most broken, messed up person can be used by God!
Lord, I may not know lots, but one thing I do know! You have changed me! No one can take this from me! Use me just as I am, to help others just as they are!


  1. Here the blind person who was healed becomes a victim of interrogation – and his defense is a testimony declaring that Jesus is connected to God: “We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does his will”. Oh I’m sure the interrogators are fuming – but his defense has to make sense in their eyes. Lord help me in times of challenge to speak the truth boldly like the person healed in this story! Lord you care about me and listen to me only because I am a forgiven sinner! Thank you Jesus!

  2. Selective hearing.
    Hearing only what we want to hear. God’s word comes to all and no one has control over whom God uses for His purposes – learned men or unlearned. He uses all kinds of people His wonders to perform. Just look at His disciples. Christ Jesus continues to use His people His wonders to perform by their living for Jesus in Word and Deed. As He uses me He is able to use others – schooled or unschooled – His Word to share. With open eyes I may be able to see how the Lord uses His servants His wonders to perform.

    Make me a servant, humble and meek.
    Lord, let me lift up those who are weak,
    And may the prayer of my heart always be:
    Make me a servant (x2)
    Make me a servant today!

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