Don’t stop believing…


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8)
Jesus urges his followers to keep on praying for justice or mercy, no matter what.
He assures them that eventually God will bring about justice.
His question about finding faith when he returns ties in to this.
I don’t hear Jesus being critical in this question, but concerned.
He knows about the delay of justice, he knows about unanswered prayer.
He knows that God’s timing can be very different than ours (quickly? v.8).
He knows that many people experience God as an unjust judge, refusing to help.
Still he urges us to trust God, to not give up, because eventually…
Many people through time have given up on God because of unanswered prayer.
Jesus gets this, yet urges us to be strong, take heart and wait… (Psalm 27:14)
It may seem like forever, it may seem like God has let go or doesn’t care.
But if even an unjust judge will eventually come through, HOW MUCH MORE GOD!!!!
Hang on to God for justice and mercy, for God is hanging on to you!
Have you given up this hope, will you hang on in faith until Jesus returns?
Lord, I don’t struggle with this for myself but for others. I can wait, but there are many who can’t. Please let them see God’s justice and mercy “quickly” so that they will not lose faith!


  1. To persevere even when it seems God is not listening or things are not going the way we want and pray they would. To have the faith that God will come through for us no matter what. Lord, give me the patience and the long picture – trusting that you know what’s best – and help me Lord to never give up – never to lose faith!

  2. Timing.
    God’s timing.
    And I go where?
    Take it all to the Lord in prayer. He hears. He answers in His time. And in His time am I faithful. Each day I need to o forward in His power for He will continue to empower and guide me by His Spirit. That He has promised and in that power I can be a conqueror. Stay faithful. Be persistent. Prayerfully go forward in His name.

    Blessed Be Your name
    When I’m found in the desert place
    Though I walk through the wilderness
    Blessed Be Your name

    Every blessing You pour out, I’ll
    Turn back to praise
    When the darkness closes in, Lord
    Still I will say

    Blessed be the name of the Lord
    Blessed be Your name
    Blessed be the name of the Lord
    Blessed be Your glorious name

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