Apr 15 — Jeremiah 11:1-17

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 11:1-17

1. “Obey me and do everything I command you, and you will be my people, and I will be your God” – God is remind His people that the “covenant” is not just a cruel yoke imposed on a slave, but an arrangement of mutual love and partnership. Each party made promises to facilitate this loving relationship, so that they could possess each other. Think of the many implied expectations in a marriage, so that they can love, trust and enjoy each other.
2. “I warned them again and again, saying, ‘Obey me’… they did not listen or pay attention” – Like a betrayed spouse, God has pleaded with His people, warned and begged them, giving them chance after chance to come back. Finally He is saying, ‘enough!’
3. “Although they cry out to me, I will not listen to them… Do not pray for this people” – This shows how far and bad things have gone. It has gotten to the point where even repentance or intercessory prayer will not prevent their impending judgment. They waited too long!
4. “Has decreed disaster for you, because (you) have done evil and provoked me to anger” – God does not arbitrarily impose judgment (‘I’ll teach you for rejecting me’), but finally takes back His restraining hand that was holding back the natural consequences of their sin. God loves us, but His love becomes anger when it is abused and provoked (ever experienced this, ever been provoked by someone you love?). Sometimes the most loving thing to do is to let people face the consequences of their choices – tough love.

Lord, as I write this, I think of ways in my own life that I neglect or provoke Your love. Help me to see this as a warning again and again, but that eventually You will let me taste the bitterness of my choices… not because You hate me but because You love me. Amen.

One Comment

  1. Do this and live! That’s what the Master said. I am also reminded of Joshua stating infront of the people, but for me and my household we will serve the living God. That Word also came to Jeremiah.

    However the people were disobedient and followed their evil desires and their own ways. They refused to listen to God but made gods to serve their own evil desires. The Lord God Almighty does finally withdraw His hand from His covenant people and the branches are broken from the olive tree. The Lord disciplines the people because they no longer have ears to hear His Word. They have gone after their own wicked schemes.

    Help me Lord to attune myself to You each day. By Your Spirit, may I always hear Your voice behind me saying – this is the Way. Walk in it. Help me also this day to say and do – Today God Is First.

    Jesus Savior, pilot me over life’s tempestous sea;
    Unknown waves before me roll, hiding rock and treacherous shoal;
    Chart and compass came from Thee; Jesus, Savior, pilot me.

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