Jesus for king!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“You will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen.” (1 Samuel 8:18)
These chapters reveal the problem of leadership and politics.
We were not designed to rule ourselves, we were designed to rule with God.
All of us are image-bearers, designed to live with, like and for God.
But the lie of Satan is we can do it our way, and follow our own ways.
God allows Israel to have a king, to go their own way.
God allows human rulers to rule, as bad as that can get.
Samuel’s warning about kings applies to all rulers, including ours today.
Power goes to their head, and eventually we cry for relief from them.
God allows us to have our own way, but He also steps in to help.
He uses the position of king the people begged for to show them their folly.
He also raises up a line of kings that will eventually lead to Jesus.
Jesus becomes the human king we need, the one that brings us back to God.
Don’t put your trust in leaders or politicians; Jesus is the ruler we need!
Lord, it’s true, we are constantly crying out for relief from the kings we have chosen! I want You as king over us, may Your kingdom come… quickly!


  1. How does one who is a leader stay honest and truly altruistic? Eli had trouble with his sons, now Samuel does too. To have an honest and genuine leader who is faithful and does what is best for the people – is a blessing. How can I be a blessing when exercising authority – when as a father I teach and direct my children and grandchildren. O Lord may my selfish purposes not stand in the way!! Help me to follow your leading – King Jesus!!

  2. Ebenezer.
    Here to the Lord has brought me.
    I need to live each day in His presence and knowing this I need to prayerfully go forward in His SonShine asking Him to lead and guide me in the way I should go. Not my will be His be done. The Lord needs to be my song each and every day. The joy of the Lord God is my strength and song.

    Come into His presence singing

    Come into His presence singing
    ‘Jesus is Lord’
    ‘Jesus is Lord’
    ‘Jesus is Lord’

    Come into His presence singing
    ‘Worthy is the Lamb’
    ‘Worthy is the Lamb’
    ‘Worthy is the Lamb’

    Come into His presence singing
    ‘Glory to God’
    ‘Glory to God’
    ‘Glory to God’

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