My life a parable!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“To those on the outside everything is said in parables.” (Mark 4:11)
Jesus seems to say that He uses stories to keep people from understanding.
Those who see themselves as wise will dismiss stories and totally miss their point.
And yet stories have a way of sticking, when logic or formulas are forgotten.
People often recall my stories or object lessons more than my sermon points.
Stories are actually effective at penetrating closed minds.
Its hard to convince someone who thinks they already know something.
But often a story, like a Trojan horse, sneaks in while our guard is down.
It lingers in mind, giving the mind something concrete to hang on to.
Jesus uses down-to-earth, memorable stories to help stubborn people understand.
He is not saying that God only lets a few people in on His secrets.
He is showing us what it takes to reach difficult, close-minded people.
As Jesus followers we will also have more impact by stories than by teaching.
Don’t share doctrine, share Jesus as He has worked in your life, your story!
This is how to be His witness, to testify to what we have seen and heard!
Lord, my story is not profound or dramatic, but it is my story. May my story be a parable of Your kingdom, and may You penetrate closed hearts that they may turn and be forgiven!


  1. The whole understanding of creation-fall-sin-redemption and all the biblical stories are just that to many. But they become truth through eyes of faith – revealed by scripture. Jesus parables teach a truth – that comes out of the story – which the spirit unlocks for me. The story needs to be told – our stories need to be genuine and told – so that the spirit can use them to unlock the truth for those who hear and are ready to believe. It is the story that is a means to a salvation end!

  2. Christ desires all to be saved. And yet there are those who are open minded and hearing and following Christ. They desire more. And there are the close minded who hearing yet go their own way. God’s Word is a lamp – a light – to be shared and not put under a bushel basket.
    My life must LightShine for Jesus.

    This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine
    This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine
    This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine
    Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

    Jesus is the Light, I’m gonna let Him shine
    Jesus is the Light, I’m gonna let Him shine
    Jesus is the Light, I’m gonna let Him shine
    Let Him shine, let Him shine, let Him shine

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