The curse reversed!

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 27:45-53

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.” (Matthew 27:52)
In vv.51-53 we see the turning point of history, when Genesis 3 is reversed.
The curse on creation and human life (death) is overcome (vv.52-53).
And the Moses covenant centered in the temple is fulfilled, and therefore ended.
We are restored to fellowship with God, and the result is radically different.
I believe in a God that created life, and can resurrect life.
More than that, I believe in a God that has overcome Satan, sin and death.
These extra resurrections, as well as the torn curtain and earthquake, make the point.
I will not waste time trying to explain or defend if these things really happened.
They are signs, meant to focus our attention on what Jesus is doing, and has done!
The death of Jesus is the turning point of history, as a result everything changes.
Death has been beaten, creation has been liberated, and the Moses Way has ended.
These are all aspects of the curse in Genesis 3; Jesus has broken the curse!
I don’t know exactly what transpired in that moment, or how… but it was momentous.
And life is not the same anymore, because Jesus died for us!
Lord, this is hard to believe. But because of my hope in God and You, I cling to the hope of resurrection life, the restored creation and freedom from religion. Thank You!


  1. Forsaken and rejected – so that I might not be. Jesus did it for me, for all who believe . He broke the barrier and now I have become a temple – God’s Holy Spirit has come to me. Lord keep me on the path of righteousness – serving like, with and for Jesus! Cast all doubt away and let me serve wholeheartedly and willingly!

  2. He died so that I may live.
    The Fall made us separated from God and Jesus’ death made our walk with God a possibility once again.
    Creation restored.
    Resurrection for all mankind.
    As Jesus did His Father’s will, so must I. He was and still is victorious.
    All for Jesus.

    For God so loved the world
    He gave his son
    To bear the weight of sin
    He bled for us
    From heaven’s highest place
    He took a fall
    And there was just one life
    Laid down for all
    Death, where is your sting?
    Grave, where is your victory?
    He’s alive, He’s alive
    He’s risen

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