Stand firm in love!

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 10:21-25

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 10:22)
I have never been hated because of Jesus, but this makes me wonder…
Do I not experience resistance because I’m not out there enough for Jesus?
To be like my teacher, I need to do what He did, to speak, love and serve like He did.
To be honest, I do not like being hated, and that does hold me back.
The fear of what people might think does inhibit my being out there for Jesus.
I do not want to look like a fool, or be seen as a religious extremist.
Jesus is not calling us to be religious fanatics, but love fanatics.
As Jesus followers we are not to be religiously obnoxious but to love like Jesus.
To be known as someone who shows love, grace and peace, even if some don’t like it.
Satan will provoke anger and resistance, often from our own (church) brothers and sisters.
If church people are against us for doing good and being loving, that is THEIR issue.
Jesus doesn’t ask us to seek persecution but to stand firm in love no matter what happens.
Love wins, and those who stand with Jesus in love will stand with Jesus in the end!
I wonder, do I have a reputation for loving people no matter what?
Lord, make me a fanatic for grace, mercy, peace and love. I do not want persecution, but may I not be held back by it either. I want to be like You in the best way possible!


  1. Fair warning to all who follow Jesus – expect turbulence – it is not smooth going. Sometimes I’m thinking, I have too smooth – is my life today out of touch – too complacent and easy?! I’ve experienced turbulence in the past – but not so much now – maybe more internally – overcoming my own fears and anxieties. I must not be afraid – but stand on the rock Jesus Christ. So stretch me Lord – help me be at peace in turbulence.

  2. A Christ follower.
    A disciple.
    Doing the things of Jesus. being like Christ unto them.
    Others need to see Jesus in me by my service to Him. I must not count the cost.
    Each day anew, I need to clothe myself with His armour so that I may produce good fruit. Help me daily on my way Lord.

    When we walk with the Lord in the light of his Word
    What a glory he sheds on our way!
    While we do his good will, he abides with us still,
    And with all who will trust and obey.

    Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
    To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

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