Good news for the oppressed!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” (Psalm 9:9)
In our world, the rich keep getting richer and the poor poorer.
The ‘little people’ bear the brunt of suffering, hardship, abuse, injustice.
But the God Israel believes in is the God of the underdog, the little people.
And He was NOT just Israel’s God, but the only God for the whole world.
And this God – the only God there is – stands with the oppressed.
It doesn’t take long listening to Jesus to see hear this message loud and clear.
In fact, the good news is God’s message of hope for the underdogs of the world!
God anoints Jesus to bring good news for prisoners and the oppressed (Luke 4:18-19).
If this is what Jesus was anointed to do, how can His anointed followers do any less?
Are Jesus followers extending this good news message to the world today?
Is the church a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.
History shows that this has not always been the case… how about now?
Who are the oppressed and needy around us that need to experience this good news?
God will never forget the needy (Psalm 9:18), but are we remembering them?
Lord, You have a special place in Your heart for the oppressed. May Your heart shape our hearts, so that we become known as good news people for those who really need it!


  1. It sounds like David is remembering to be grateful and resilient in some troubling times, perhaps he’s been pushed into a corner and feels (almost) like there’s no way out. So, he remembers to be grateful and counts the blessings that God has already given him, recalls the promises of God and finds strength and the tenacity to fight on through that.

  2. The psalmist starts with praising God and His faithfulness. He is the God not only of people but also nations whether or not they choose to worship Him.
    God’s standard is His Word.
    He fulfills what He promises.
    He never forsakes His own.
    Praise Him for His faithfulness
    and help me in mine as I continue to serve Him.

    O God, my faithful God,
    True fountain ever flowing,
    Without whom nothing is,
    All perfect gifts bestowing:
    Give me a healthy frame,
    And may I have within
    A conscience free from blame,
    A soul unstained by sin.

    Give me the strength to do
    With ready heart and willing
    Whatever you command,
    My calling here fulfilling.
    Help me do what I should
    With all my might, and bless
    The outcome for my good,
    For you must give success.

    Keep me from saying words
    That later need recalling;
    Guard me lest idle speech
    May from my lips be falling;
    But when within my place
    I must and ought to speak,
    Then to my words give grace
    Lest I offend the weak.

    When dangers gather round,
    Oh, keep me calm and fearless;
    Help me to bear the cross
    When life seems dark and cheerless;
    Help me, as you have taught,
    To love both great and small
    And by your Spirit’s might
    To live at peace with all.

  3. Kept thinking of the Israelites in Egypt, the Christians who deal with persecution everyday and are dealt with unfairly – thinking of how many Christian suburbs were completely wiped out – or the Jews under Nazism. Cory Tenboom clung to hope – hope that God would judge – that good would overcome. There are certainly dark valleys – but we must take courage and not fear – God is in control – he will bring justice. Wait and see – maybe not see now – but see. He sent Jesus!

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