What is He saying to ME???


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” (Matthew 8:20)
“Let the dead bury their own dead.” (Matthew 8:22)
I’ve noticed that Jesus gives unique answers to different people’s questions.
How Jesus answers the teacher of the law, and this other disciple, is different.
Jesus is not saying that we should not have homes or beds.
Nor is He saying we are not allowed to bury the dead.
His answers are personalized, not generalized.
He senses something in the person asking, and answers them accordingly.
Jesus senses that this teacher of the law had issues with personal comfort.
And He sensed that this other disciple had some priority and devotion issues.
Jesus knows us, He knows our hearts and priorities and motives and weaknesses.
He knows where we need to be challenged, and is probing our heart for the truth.
His answer may not be what we want to hear, but with Jesus it is what we need.
He is pruning and preparing us, to help us become Who God made and saved us to be.
He is not our butler, doing what we ask; He is our Saviour, doing what we need!
Lord, through Your words my own devotion and priorities are being probed. Help me to be honest about my own heart, so that I get the help I need!


  1. I feel God nudging me out of complacency. Not just encouraging me to do things I may resist, but giving me the green light to challenge things I grew up believing- permission to ask the bold questions.

    I am working on the obedience aspect, but I know the I have answered a call He gave me this year. I am looking forward to challenging myself and opening up doors for conversation.

  2. Comfort, complacency and the desire for self-control – these all come to mind. How can I be complacent when there is so much to do, where do I find my comfort/satisfaction – really mission and satisfaction are
    God given and HS guided – that’s when complacency takes a hike and I can find satisfaction in serving when I let the HS guide me. Still I am tempted to be complacent, non-caring, not get involved and tempted to find the easy chair. Thank you HS for reminding whose I am! Give me the courage and strength to follow!

  3. A Jesus follower because
    – the scribe wanted to see more of the miracles and not of the message. He was well versed in the Word but seemed to be self reliant.
    – the man wanting to bury his father was waiting for a more convenient time to serve the Lord. Nowhere did it state that his father was dead which could be many years later.
    Jesus requires obedience and allegiance now – in His timing and not mine. Today is the Lord’s day and today God is First as He is every day. Help me live for Jesus this day Lord with Your Spirit leading me and directing me in the way I need to walk with You.

    When we walk with the Lord in the light of his Word
    What a glory he sheds on our way!
    While we do his good will, he abides with us still,
    And with all who will trust and obey.

    Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
    To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey

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