Taking sin seriously!

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away.” (Matthew 5:29)
Sin is not just bad actions, it is an attitude or inclination of the heart/mind.
We have a sin-twisted, self-centered nature that poisons how we live.
It starts in the heart, and moves from there to our words and actions (v.28).
“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)
I know this personally; as good as I try to be, its scary how the selfish gene shows up.
Jesus is warning us that sin is not a surface issue, it is a deep-rooted cancer.
“Cut it off, gouge it out, throw it away…” this is what you do with a cancer!
The ‘hell’ (misery) that results from sin is also clear, many people are living it right now.
A moment of weakness, a foolish decision, a reckless action… and life becomes a living hell.
Sexual sin is mentioned because of how often sin is sexual (we live in a sex-twisted world).
But all sinful desires – greed, lust, pride, anger – they will all destroy you!
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (Proverbs 4:23)
Where is sin forming in your heart… and are you tolerating it or terminating it?
Lord, sin sucks! Really, it is ruining so many peoples lives. And its sinister subtlety is affecting me too. Thank, You, thank You, thank You for do what it takes to ultimately save me from its grip!


  1. It reminds me of the children’s song “Oh be careful little eye what you see…Oh be careful little ears what your hear!” Its not only what can come innocently – that waitress bending to serve you, the flick on the screen.. but what worse is when I’m tempted to follow pages on the internet. It takes a deliberate effort to stop – turn it off – and that is what Jesus is saying to me: its serious – as serious as requiring drastic surgery – sin is nothing to dabble in – letting your eyes feast on the forbidden fruit: yes it looks good – but it has a serious hook! Help me Lord to face temptation by turning my around and leaving it far behind!

  2. Jesus uses strong language to tell the truth. A doctor today may cut off a limb so that the person may continue to live physically, but Jesus’ words cut to the core so that I may continue to live spiritually. There can be no stumbling block in living for Jesus. He demands my all – words, thoughts, deeds.

    Change my heart oh God
    Make it ever true
    Change my heart oh God
    May I be like You

    Change my heart oh God
    Make it ever true
    Change my heart oh God
    May I be like You

    You are the potter
    I am the clay
    Mold me and make me
    This is what I pray

    Change my heart oh God
    Make it ever true
    Change my heart oh God
    May I be like You

  3. Acting out in sin is bad, but just as bad is thinking about/desiring to act without even following through. Lord Jesus, guard my mind and my heart from sinful desires and actions. Thank you for taking my place at the cross and paying for my sins.

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