Speaking with before speaking for Jesus!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Ezekiel 13-15
“Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing!” (Ezekiel 13:3)
Ezekiel warns prophets, the spokespeople for God (preachers, evangelists).
Those in the religious community who supposedly say what God is saying.
In this case, they follow their own spirit, for they have seen nothing (from God).
In the church today the power and influence of its preachers is huge.
On the radio, TV and internet, and in churches, there are MANY ‘prophets’.
This is especially relevant to me, as I am one of these ‘prophets’.
James warns us that “we who teach will be judged more strictly.” (James 3:1)
When I speak, is my message from my own spirit and mind?
How can I know for sure, and can I presume to be more faithful than others?
When we speak about God to others, are we just spewing out our own opinions?
We all must speak with humility when we speak about God and Jesus.
Too many of us do not spend enough time WITH the Lord to know what He thinks.
Unless we spend time WITH the Lord, we will not be able to speak LIKE or FOR the Lord.
This calls for deep humility and deep sincerity in our relationship with Jesus.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I am challenged by today’s words. Though all Jesus followers speak for You, I recognize that I have a role in the church which makes my words more influential. May I yield my spirit to You, and may my tongue speak in living echoes of Your voice!

One Comment

  1. Voices.
    Which voice do I listen to?
    There are many false voices wanting a following.
    What’s my voice?
    As past teacher, did I lead the students in the way they should go?
    May they have sen Christ Jesus living in me.
    My actions are also my voice since I am a living epistle read by all.
    My my word, my actions show that I am a living witness of Christ Jesus, my Saviour and my God.

    Lead me, guide me along the way,
    For if you lead me I cannot stray.
    Lord, let me walk each day with Thee.
    Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

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