Bad publicity

SCRIPTURE: Luke 4:38-41
Jesus preferred to avoid the publicity of demons.
He didn’t mind when people told others (He encouraged it, Mark 5:19-20), but He silenced the demons.
Why, isn’t any publicity good publicity (like when Christians protest a Disney movie, and it increases sales)?
It seems to me that Jesus was not interested in notoriety or big audiences, He cared about people.
He wasn’t thinking about calling the press, to get greater coverage.
He didn’t assign a PR person to help manage His public image.
He didn’t have an Advertising disciple, who sent out fliers and promoted upcoming mass feedings or miracles.
His focus was God and people, He dealt with whatever God placed before Him each day.
“He placed his hands on each one and healed them.”
Maybe as a church (and as a church leader) I need to rethink my use of the press, promotion and advertising, and just focus on the people that God sends our way.
It’s not about advertising or PR or huge crowds or successful campaigns, it’s being faithful with whoever God sends our way.
Do God’s work, share God’s love, and leave the results to God.
So what am I saying, is the use of ‘advertising’ and ‘PR’ demonic?
I wouldn’t go that far, but this reflection is challenging me to reconsider how I/we use the press.
Don’t advertise the message, live the message, and let God spread the Word through satisfied customers.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, in subtle ways I find myself distracted by getting the message out, rather than by living the message. Deliver us from bad publicity.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Christ’s ministry had started. This event is recorded in the gospels. After His sharing in the synagogue, they went to Simon Peter’s house where his mother in law was sick. Simon looked after the family members. They asked Jesus to heal her and He did. A miracle and she at once continue to do what she always did – serve others.
    Others brought their sick to Jesus to be healed and He did. Jesus loves His children. The demons also recognized His power but Jesus did not recognize them. He silenced them. Jesus was there for the people meeting them in their need. Those who came He helped. He was and still is the Source of Life and Life eternal.
    Why at sunset did this healing take place? Secretly? To draw no attention? Quietly God at work? Going to the Source against the authorities of the day? Son-Seekers?
    Once again, like a small child I need to see that Jesus is the answer. Serve Him in all circumstances for He is the Life giving Source.

    Help me at all times to come to You Lord. Help me in my living for Jesus and serving those around me. I know that my Redeemer lives.

    Come to the Savior now,
    He gently calleth thee;
    In true repentance bow,
    Before Him bend the knee;
    He waiteth to bestow
    Salvation, peace, and love,
    True joy on earth below,
    A home in Heav’n above.

    Come to the Savior now,
    Ye who have wandered far;
    Renew your solemn vow,
    For His by right you are;
    Come, like poor wand’ring sheep
    Returning to His fold;
    His arm will safely keep,
    His love will ne’er grow cold.

    Come to the Savior, all,
    Whate’er your burdens be;
    Hear now His loving call,
    “Cast all your care on Me.”
    Come, and for ev’ry grief
    In Jesus you will find
    A sure and safe relief,
    A loving Friend and kind.

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