Fair-weather believer or foul-weather atheist?

SCRIPTURE: Luke 4:22-30
The people liked Jesus as long as He said nice, agreeable things.
But when He started challenging their hearts and motives, they got angry.
Jesus says that God faces the same thing: God blessed ‘foreigners’ because His own people were closed to Him.
One big reason people resist God is because they don’t want God to tell them what to do.
On one level, this makes sense, nobody likes to be bossed around.
But what about when a legitimate challenge needs to be given – like when a child reprimanded for hitting another.
What about when we are living or behaving in an unhealthy, harmful way, to us or others?
Jesus is exposing the ‘fair-weather'(only when things remain nice) support of His audience.
Nobody likes a fair-weather friend, but are we open to being challenged as a fair-weather friend?
Are you a fair-weather believer – accepting of God only when God meets your approval – or a foul-weather atheist – rejecting God because God does not meet your approval?
Do you believe in God/Jesus because life is good and easy… or have you pushed God/Jesus off the cliff because they didn’t say or do the nice things you wanted them to do?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, You have a habit of exposing my heart, and it’s not pleasant. Help me to see that You are doing this for my own good, to make me a better person. Help me to stay open to You, even when You correct me.


  1. How does it feel to go home? Not the place you live now, but the place you grew up? How does it feel to go to a class reunion? It feels strange. Life moves on and experience changes you. The place where you grew up has changed, and it doesn’t feel the same any more. As much as you would like to relive a memory, going back often does not do it for you, because of changes within yourself, and changes to the community you are revisiting.

    Expectations can work both ways. When Jesus went home, the community expected to see signs and miracles. They didn’t get to see what they wanted, and were insulted with the things Jesus said. So they tried to kill him. What a nice homecoming. I guess it was time to move on.

    And that is why I don’t go to class reunions.

    And what are my expectations of Jesus? Do I want him to show me signs and miracles? I do pray for miracles, for comfort, for healing, for provisions. Is that what Jesus means to me? I admit it is a part of what I think of when I review my thoughts of Jesus, and how He fits into my life. I am just like the people of Jesus’ home town. I pray that I may be more accepting of the words that may have for me, even if I find them uncomfortable.

  2. Observations/Application
    Gracious words can be a blessing but they can also make one proud.
    Speak the truth, in love yet the hearers may not like what they hear.
    Open ears. Open eyes. Open heart. That’s what is needed to walk in the Way. Discipline is needed by all and when given and received by God’s grace, it points to the Way.
    Closed heart. Closed mind. Lost.
    Receptive heart. Receptive mind. Mouldable in the Way.
    Open my heart Lord Jesus so that I walk in the Way each day. Then I can walk with my risen Saviour always.

    Lord Jesus, open my heart that I may hear Your Words loud and clear to walk in Your Way each day.

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    I am looking, I am listening
    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Help me to know Your will (repeat)

    The right word to say,
    the best move to make
    Who’s in need of a helping hand
    For Your perfect ways are worthy of praise
    I delight just to do Your plan

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    I am looking, I am listening
    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Help me to know Your will (repeat to beginning)

    Help me to know Your will

    Help me to know Your will

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