Pointing the way back to God

SCRIPTURE: Luke 1:5-20
The Jewish Bible (or ‘Old Testament’) has many symbols meant to show the loving goodness of God, the danger of sin, and the importance of love and loyalty to Him.
In this passage we have several of these symbols:
— priests: symbols of love and loyalty to God, communicators of God’s love and loyalty to us
— commandments: the life that God created us for, goodness, love, honesty, etc.
— temple: symbol of God’s loving presence among us
— burning incense before altar: a symbol of our prayer to God, and God’s receiving/hearing that prayer
— a Nazarite (v.15, no alcohol, no hair cutting; Numbers 6:1-21): a symbol of love and loyalty to God
All of these symbols were preparing the way for Jesus to come; this baby will do the same.
And he will prepare the way for the Lord. He will have the same spirit and power that Elijah had. He will teach parents how to love their children. He will also teach people who don’t obey to be wise and do what is right. In this way, he will prepare a people who are ready for the Lord.” (Luke 1:17)
Jesus has come, all of the symbols have been replaced with the real thing (Colossians 2:16-17).
Jesus reveals the loving goodness of God, the danger of sin, and the importance of love and loyalty to Him.
Though Jesus has come, we still have times when we need a symbol or prophet to bring us back to God.
When our love grows cold, when our loyalty grows weak, when we forget God’s loving goodness and the seriousness of sin.
Are you in a time like this, when you need a ‘John’ experience to bring you back to Him.
God may be raising up symbols or prophets in your life, trying to get your attention, trying to draw you back.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, even though You have given me the ultimate expression of Your love in Jesus, I often forget. Send me a John experience today to draw my heart back to You, to renew my love and loyalty to You!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Both were righteous observing God’s commands and decrees blamelessly. Wow! Walking in His SonShine, doing His will in their lives. This reminds me of Job who was also blameless. And even so, they did not go against the Word of the Lord when they had no chidden – barren.

    When is the last time I saw an angel? Zech was gripped with fear and thought that the words spoken was impossible. God’s good news always comes to pass. Nothing is impossible with God. God speaks and I must listen, no matter the age. His will be done.

    And for me, how is He speaking to me this day as we come to the close of another year?

    Open my ears Lord that I may hear Your voice loud and clear.
    Open my eyes Lord that I may see You this day.
    Take my hand and lead me and guide me to the places I need to go to serve You.

    Help me this day to be Your champion, Your instrument of peace, doing Your will in my life.

    Precious Lord, take my hand.
    Lead me on, let me stand.
    I am tired, I am weak, and worn.
    Through the storm, through thenight,
    Lead me on to the light.
    Take my hand, precious Lord,
    Lead me home.
    When my way grows drear,
    Precious Lord, lead me near,
    When my life is almost gone.
    Hear my cry, hear my call.
    Hold my hand, lest I fall.
    Take my hand, precious Lord,
    Lead me home.

    When the darkness appears
    And the night draws near,
    And the day is past and gone,
    At the river I stand.
    Guide my feet, hold my hand,
    Take my hand, precious Lord,
    Lead me home.

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