He’s got our back!

SCRIPTURE: Mark 16:14-20
(There is disagreement by Bible Scholars as to whether these verses are from Mark, or a later addition. I am not qualified to decide this, so I will focus on the parts that agree with the rest of the Bible).
Some people use 16:18 to justify handling poisonous snakes.
I prefer to focus on the result of Jesus’ resurrection, and how they turned the world upside down with their message.
Did the disciples make up this story about Jesus’ resurrection?
There is not logical explanation for why the disciples endured torture and death to tell people a story they made up.
How did their message spread so rapidly, a message of weakness, humility, servanthood, self-denial?
To me, the most logical reason is what this passage concludes with: Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere. The Lord worked with them. And he backed up his word by the signs that went with it. (Mark 16:20)
The Lord worked with them, He backed up His word with signs!
This is our hope as Jesus followers too, that as we speak and serve, the risen Lord will back us up and work with us.
I am seeing this, signs of God’s support, signs of Jesus’ miraculous provision, amazing acts of self denial.
Answered prayers, words of insight, lives being changed, resources being multiplied to bless many.
Crossroads itself is evidence to me that Jesus is alive and at work in the world.
I can’t convince people this is true, God has to do this Himself.
I just need to make myself available to God, to show up for ‘work’ so to speak, so that the Lord can work with me.
My job is not to convince, my job is to speak and serve and believe and love – and leave the rest to Jesus.
He will work with us, He will back us up!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank you for coming to us, for being with us, for working with us. Thank You that Christmas is just the beginning, that we can celebrate Good Friday, Easter, the Ascension and the Kingdom of God today too! Show Your power!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Christ knows His people. A stubborn people we are. Just look at the children ofIsrael or just look at me insisting upon my own way. And so He appears to them to redirect them on their way. And He redirects me on mine.
    Signs then and now.
    Signs to encourage. Strengthen. Redirect. Show the Way also today.
    Singing favourite hymns.
    Fellowshipping with fellow believers.
    Hearing The Story anew through different eyes and voices.
    The world coming to a halt only at Christmas time.
    Christ speaking today through His Word.
    Where are my eyes focussed?
    ‘Star’ gazing?
    On the Christ child – the risen Saviour?
    On the stuff of today?

    And so God still works His miracles by His power with ‘happenings’ today and strengthens His disciples, His followers, His champions along the Way by His Spirit and His promises

    Be the wise men and seek Him everywhere being led by His Star giving direction and hope and strength for the journey.

    He still accompanies His people today.

    Continue Your works also within me Lord this day and always.

    1. God gives His people strength.
    If we believe in His way, He’s swift to repay
    All those who bear the burden of the day
    God gives His people strength.

    2. God gives His people hope
    If we but trust in His word, our prayers are always heard
    He warmly welcomes anyone who’s erred.
    God gives His people hope.

    3. God gives His people love
    If we but open wide our hearts, He’s sure to do His part
    He’s always the first to make a start.
    God gives His people love.

    4. God gives His people peace.
    When sorrow fills us to the brim, and courage grows dim
    He lays to rest our restlessness in Him.
    God gives His people peace.

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