You are looking for Jesus too?

SCRIPTURE: Mark 16:1-8
“You are looking for Jesus… He is not here!” (Mark 16:6)
If you were looking for Jesus, where would you look?
In church, in heaven, in a historical account, nowhere, He never existed, or He’s dead and gone?
The women would naturally look for Jesus’ body in the tomb, after all He died, He was buried there.
Over two thousand years have passed since He died, where would you look for Jesus today?
The good news is that what the angel said is still true: He has risen, you will see Him!
Keep on seeking, keep on praying, keep on reaching, keep on wanting… He will appear to you.
Jesus does not play hard to get, but neither does Jesus appear on demand.
Our own hearts need to be open to meeting Jesus as He is, not as we expect Him.
I’ve heard people complain that Jesus (or God) did not show up when they wanted Him too.
He did not help them, answer their prayer, reveal Himself to them, etc. as they expected and wanted Him.
Ask, seek, knock, then open your eyes to the many possible ways Jesus is showing Himself to you.
It may not be as you expect, but it will be more than you imagined.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I can relate to looking for You and not finding You… yet You are showing Yourself to me in many ways. Open my heart to see You, to experience You as You are, and to delight in Your living, loving Presence!


  1. Interesting that after the angel told them, they didn’t say anything because they were afraid. Often I don’t talk about Jesus, or the ways that I experience Him due to fear. What others would see as a coincidence, I see as a little reassurance from God. What others see as a friendly gesture, or random act of kindness, I see as someone being being used by God. Sure, my coworkers and friends know that I am Christian and that I go to church, but I tend to only share the Jesus moments with the secret club of other Christians. Fear that others might think I am crazy perhaps. Lord, I pray that you would continue to show yourself to me, show me where to look for You, and I pray for courage to share You with others!

  2. Observations/Application
    Once again the words of
    eyes they have but cannot see
    ears they have but cannot hear
    spring to my mind.
    The women went to see Jesus without thought such as rolling the stone away. They had the ointment. So they continued on their way and became God’s champions . . . sort of. They were afraid and said nothing to anyone until . . . they met Him. Then they told the disciples.
    He empowers.
    He gives the joy.
    He gives the words – the message
    which only happens once they have found their Master. Then they become His instruments of peace.
    So again I start this day reading His Word for the way this day. Open my eyes Lord and unstop my ears. Help me daily to see You clearly.

    Help me this day Lord to be Your champion.

    Am I a soldier of the cross,
    A follower of the Lamb,
    And shall I fear to own His cause,
    Or blush to speak His Name?

    Must I be carried to the skies
    On flowery beds of ease,
    While others fought to win the prize,
    And sailed through bloody seas?

    Are there no foes for me to face?
    Must I not stem the flood?
    Is this vile world a friend to grace,
    To help me on to God?

    Sure I must fight if I would reign;
    Increase my courage, Lord.
    I’ll bear the toil, endure the pain,
    Supported by Thy Word.

    Thy saints in all this glorious war
    Shall conquer, though they die;
    They see the triumph from afar,
    By faith’s discerning eye.

    When that illustrious day shall rise,
    And all Thy armies shine
    In robes of victory through the skies,
    The glory shall be Thine.

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