When death dies

SCRIPTURE: Mark 15:33-37
The people do not get what is happening here.
The human Jesus dies, the curse of death and hell is fulfilled.
Like Jesus, we will all die, and we will all take our last breath.
But more is going on here… Jesus is God in human form, dying death for us.
In a hard to understand way, God through Jesus experiences the curse of death and hell.
We cannot overcome the curse of death and hell, but God can, and through Jesus God does.
We need God to help us, to break the hold of sin, death and hell, to open the way to life beyond death.
Consider how far God is prepared to suffer for us: “You should think in the same way Christ Jesus does. In his very nature he was God. But he did not think that being equal with God was something he should hold on to. Instead, he made himself nothing. He took on the very nature of a servant. He was made in human form. He appeared as a man. He came down to the lowest level. He obeyed God completely, even though it led to his death. In fact, he died on a cross. (Philippians 2:5-8)
When Jesus dies, more is going on than just another person dying…
The whole creation grinds and groans when Jesus dies, for when Jesus dies, death dies.
Because Jesus beats death, we can too: “Because I live, you will live also.” (John 14:19)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, death is the end of the road for all of us, unless You open a way beyond it. Thank You for beating death, and making life beyond death possible for me, for all!


  1. I often wonder if it would be easier to really grasp the magnitude of what Jesus did if I had been there…. But those who were there didn’t get it either. I also wonder if he is actually feeling abandoned by the Father, or if he is crying out in the collective pain of all those he is dying for. Lord, your work on the cross gives me hope for tomorrow.

  2. Darkness at noon. This would be more than a lunar eclipse. This was God telling us that something important was going on here. It adds to the atmosphere of abandonment. It could cause fear among the people, as we like to be able to count on things happening in a controlled way.

    Jesus anticipated and knew of his pending death on the cross, and this was a time when he felt totally abandoned by God, his Father. “Why have you forsaken me?” We all need to feel loved and needed, and Jesus died all alone, and did not feel at this point that his Father was anywhere near. But I have a feeling that his Father was right there with him. This was the plan for salvation of His creation, and through his death, we can have life.

    I thank God for his salvation. I sometimes wonder if there was any other way. This feels like Friday, but Sunday is coming!

  3. Observation/Application
    Jesus without God – paying for our penalty.
    Life through His death.
    And those around at His death still did not understand nor see who Jesus was.
    Wait and see.
    Then it will be too late.
    Darkness covered the land but the darkness can not cover the truth. Christ’s death was for all creation – a new beginning – a new creation – life through death. What a Saviour! Christ breathed His last so that the people can start breathing and live!
    Just as a grain must died to produce seed for new life so I too must die to old self and be brought to life by His power.
    What a Saviour!

    Thank You Lord for life forevermore by Your gift on the cross. Help me this day to live that life that is only a possibility in You.

    Let’s Just Praise the Lord,
    Praise the Lord.

    Let’s Just Lift Our Hands Toward Heaven,
    And Praise the Lord.

    Let’s Just Praise the Lord,
    Praise the Lord.

    Let’s Just Lift Our Hands Toward Heaven
    And Praise the Lord.

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