blessed are the unselfish

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 13
In this story we see that the Lord blesses those who bless others. Abram graciously lets Lot pick first. And Lot selfishly picks the best part for himself. In the long run, it is Abram who prospers, while Lot – thinking that he has the best – ends up in the worst place. The Lord delights in blessing the underdog, in lifting up the humble and bringing down the proud. Why is it that often, those with little seem so much happier than those with plenty? Because the Lord promises to multiply the blessings of those who are unselfish (blessings that cannot be counted).

Poor Lot. He buys into the lie that worldly wealth will buy happiness. He puts himself and his family at risk for the sake of the ‘better land’. And as we shall see, it will not pay off. How many of us put our happiness and the well-being of our families at risk for the sake of material gain. In the long run, is it worth it?

The Lord is still blessing us, and asking us to unselfishly bless others. It is more blessed to give than to receive, says Jesus (Acts 20:15). He shows this by His own self-denial and sacrifice for us (John 15:12-13). And He calls us to this when He tells us to go the extra mile, even for our enemies (Matthew 5:40-42).

He promises that those who make sacrifices to bless others for Jesus sake’ will receive abundantly more blessings. This is no scheme to get rich. This is God’s economic principle: be generous with what you have, and you will discover deeper joy and riches than any money could buy.

This is how we as a church need to be. We need to offer our best to others, blessing them and allowing them to experience God’s grace. As we do this, He promises that He will expand His kingdom through us, i.e. more and more people will be brought into the experience of His love.

Lord, drill this message into my heart, that the way to blessing is through giving, serving, loving, encouraging – through blessing others.


  1. Abram steps up and offers a solution to the herdsman conflict.

    He shows his leadership and provides a solution.

    Where does this council come from?

    I believe in comes from verse 4 … “and there Abram called on the name of the Lord”

    When you call on the name of the Lord, the Lord comes and abides with you.

    The Lord abided with Abram and Abram shared it with others.

  2. LORD, how often especially in conflict do I put others first rather than looking out for myself? How often is my human tendency to respond by / with putting up walls when there is conflict rather than ‘surrender’ which is what I see in Abram’s wise way. Abram surrendered before things erupted. He initiated peace by giving Lot first choice. LORD, help me to be a peace maker whenever it is possible so that I may remain in Your will.

    LORD, thank You for the reminder that it is my calling as Your child to live to be a blessing to others- it is never about me!

    LORD, Lot’s choices reveal a lot about his character. LORD, what do my choices reveal about my character? Help me LORD, by Your Spirit to make godly and wise choices, discerning Your will for my life. LORD, help me to be selfless and giving, blessing those You place in my life so that they may experience Your love, Your grace and Your mercy.

    LORD give us eyes to see the things in our lives that may appear so great, so desireable, lead to success but are really traps of deception that satan is slowing luring us into. Lot thought he was taking the best yet placing himself and his family near Sodom was actually the worst thing he could have done. LORD, reveal the things in my life that are not good for me, that make me vulnerable to satan’s deception. Protect me LORD from the things that this world portrays as good / success……

    LORD, You blessed Abram because You were pleased with him. Abram did the ‘God’ thing and You poured out Your abundant blessings. Abram chose wisely. I too want to do the ‘God’ thing in my life as I make choices so that I may live out this life for You. Help me by Your Spirit to live each day for You, by Your power.

    LORD, thank You for the many, many blessings that You have poured out on my life. LORD, help me to also take the time to worship You just as Abram did as He experienced Your blessings. Every blessing You pour out LORD, I want to give You praise.

    LORD, may I live out each day with the attitude “whom can I bless LORD? Show me whose life You are asking me to make a difference in for You LORD?” LORD, make me a servant, humble and true. Help me to live LORD, this life for You. LORD, may the prayer of my heart always be, make me a servant, make me a servant, make me a servant for You…… Help me to bless LORD, all those I meet. Help me to live LORD, blessing for You. LORD, may the prayer of my heart always be, make me a blessing, make me a blessing, make me a blessing for You…… In my life LORD, be glorified…..

  3. Abram was rich in the Lord. Not only was he rich in the material blessings, but also in his relationship to the Lord. He went back to where he came from – his first altar – and there he called on the name of the Lord. Abram was walking with God. His wealth was not burdensome or heavy as it is for some people in today’s times. Although there was strife because of the wealth of both families it was better to part company. Lot took ‘the best’ for himself while Abram knew how to keep the peace. He was a blessing and he used what he had to serve others. As far as it depends upon me, says His Word, live at peace with all mankind. Abram did just that.

    Whatever I have is the Lord’s. It has taken a long time to learn this and live this. The things of this world get in the way of my relationship with my Father. As He has blessed me, so I too need to be a blessing to those around me. As Abe lived near the place where he built the altar, I need to live near to my God each and every day using the talents – both abilities and goods – He has given me in kingdom services. Help me Lord in Your Way – the most excellent way. Help me each day to live a life of thanksliving.

    We give Thee but Thine own,
    Whate’er the gift may be;
    All that we have is Thine alone,
    A trust, O Lord, from Thee.

    May we Thy bounties thus
    As stewards true receive,
    And gladly, as Thou blessest us,
    To Thee our firstfruits give.

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