God’s blessing through difficulty

SCRIPTURE: Luke 1:39-45
Is ‘blessed’ the word you would use for Mary?
A young unmarried girl divinely impregnated, her life never to be the same.
To expect her son to be honoured, yet to see Him mocked, bullied, tortured and shamefully executed.
And if Elizabeth knew that her son (John the Baptizer) would also be executed, would she say the Lord was kind to her?
Neither of them clearly understood what their unborn children represented, or would go through.
But Elizabeth was right, they were specially loved and blessed, they were honoured by God for this important task.
Think about your own life, the hard and ugly and difficult things… is it possible these are also blessings?
Through these women, God was preparing to restore creation and rescue people, and to guarantee eternal life and blessing.
What might God be preparing through your life, through your hardships?
God does not guarantee that life will be easy, but He does guarantee that it will be purposeful.
God uses us in our trials and hardships to bless and help many other people (think of the Joseph story).
Like Mary, we need to turn over our lives to God’s purpose (Luke 1:38); like Elizabeth we need to cling to the hope of God’s kindness and blessing.
And maybe in this moment of challenge or change or uncertainty, God’s Spirit will jump inside of you, reminding you that God’s blessing is being multiplied in and through you.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, I have no idea all the things You are doing in and through me. Help me to respond to every challenge or opportunity in a good, God-honouring way, so that others will somehow be blessed through me.


  1. Elizabeth and Mary get together for a girls night out. They are sharing similar experiences, both of them are pregnant, and with people who will change the world. They must have had great stories to tell each other. Elizabeth somehow knew that Mary’s child was important, as she already referred to the child as “Lord” Elizabeth surely knew as well that her child was important, perhaps with her written conversations with her husband. (He was not talking to her, or anyone at that time). John the Baptizer would indeed be great as well.

    I wonder how often these cousins would get together as they grew up. Family time was so important then, as it is now, as you can see by this wonderful visit between Elizabeth and Mary. Both of these women were obedient to God, and did what they could for God’s purpose.

    I pray that I will be available for God’s purpose in my life. God’s plan is expected for him, but he works through unexpected ways, from our point of view. I pray that I will be able to follow the leading of God to further his kingdom.

  2. Observations/Application
    During a difficult time the family is there to help.
    And God’s presence – His gift of His Spirit to encourage and help us on our way saying things too wonderful to understand at that time. Almost like that of a prophet.
    God was with the women and gave His ‘presence’ among them. They encouraged one another in their trial knowing that their God with with them – His servants – His will be done for they were the Lord’s servants.
    I too am His and He is mine. May His Word also come to pass through me. Help me to see Your presence in my life this day.

    Open my ears Lord that I may hear Your voice saying, this is the way. Walk in it. And open my eyes Lord that I might see You leading and guiding me along the Way. Make me a champion of Your peace.

    Open our eyes, Lord
    We want to see Jesus
    To reach out and touch Him
    And say that we loveHim
    Open our ears, Lord
    And help us to listen
    Open our eyes, Lord
    We want to see Jesus
    He paid a debt He did not owe
    I owed a debt I could not pay
    I needed someone to wash my sins away
    And now I sing a brand newsong:
    “Amazing grace” (amazing grace)
    Christ Jesus paid the debt that I could never pay

    Open my eyes, Lord
    I want to see Jesus
    To reach out and touch Him
    And say that I love Him
    Open my ears, Lord
    And help me to listen
    Open our eyes, Lord
    We want to see Jesus

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