God is reviewing my leadership…

This Psalm is a challenge to anyone who is in a position of authority and responsibility.
Judges, rulers, leaders, teachers, parents, police, lawyers, pastors, principals, etc.
All of us, in one sense, have been positioned by God as rulers in creation (Genesis 1:26-28).
We are ‘gods’, or better images of God, children of the Most High God.
We have been called to rule in a God-like (godly) way, with justice and integrity and goodness and love.
The whole creation is groaning (the foundations are shaken) because the children of God have failed.
Instead of defending and upholding and rescuing and delivering, we are doing the opposite.
God is the King of all kings (us), the Lord of all lords (us), and will pass judgment one day.
For now He has sent Jesus to rule as we were supposed to, to set up the kingdom we failed to.
And we have been given the chance to repent, and to join with King Jesus in ruling like God.
Today I sense God challenging me to decide Whom I will serve, and how I will serve.
Practically speaking: as a parent, as a husband, as a pastor, as a neighbour, as a citizen, as an christian…
Am I defending the weak and the fatherless, upholding the cause of the poor and the oppressed, rescuing the weak and the needy, and delivering people from the hand of the wicked? (Psalm 82:3-4)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, when I stand before You, and You review my life, I sense how much I am failing. Thank You for Jesus, for Your forgiveness, and for His Leadership. Help me to live and lead like You, like Him!

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