A God worth respecting

“People should have respect for you alone. Who can stand in front of you when you are angry?” (Psalm 76:7)
People who have experienced God’s saving power do not need to be told to respect God.
This Psalm tells how the Israelites worshiped God because of how He helped them from their enemies.
Has God helped you through a difficulty, has God rescued you from a serious problem?
Self-reliant, self-confident people do not realize how they too depend on God.
One day everyone will realize it, but for now many people are blind to the gracious presence of God.
But what about God’s anger, why does God need to be so angry?
God is not angry by nature, but His anger is the result of people refusing or abusing His love and grace.
Try mocking, ignoring or abusing your parents love for any period of time, and see how they respond.
It’s only natural that One who loves and blesses longs to be loved and blessed in return.
God’s anger is reserved for those who use and abuse His grace (all His benefits and blessings) to use and abuse others.
God will step in for the used and abused, and in anger displace the ones doing it.
This is not reckless rage, this is gracious and just anger, the expression of love in action.
This is a God worth respecting, worth loving, worth serving.
And if you’ve ever experienced God’s saving grace, no one needs to remind you to respect and worship Him.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, You deserve so much more love and respect than I give You. And many people do not love and respect You at all. Forgive us, for we do not know what we’re doing. Remind us again why You are a God worth respecting!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Our God is a mighty God whose power and radiance shines throughout the creation and yet . . .
    the people
    and even I
    that we/I serve a mighty, powerful, radiant King of kings
    who alone rules
    He alone is the Victor
    to save His people
    and I/we
    need to praise Him
    This day
    is a day of the Lord
    worthy of praise
    His praise
    I am and will be always in His presence.
    Praise Him!

    Open my eyes Lord that I may see You and Your mighty acts always in this Your world. Help me to live that my world also belongs to God, my God Who makes living for Jesus a reality.

    Our god
    Is an awesome God he reigns
    From heaven above
    With wisdom,power and love
    Our God
    Is an awesome God he reigns
    From heaven above
    With wisdom,power and love
    Our God is an awesome God

    You’re marvelous and you’re glorious
    You’re love has made me victorious
    You took away the fear in us
    Now we praise You cause you
    You delivered us

    There ain’t no stopping us (naw)
    Devil there ain’t no blocking us (naw)
    Come on and clap your hands with us
    Like this you all, like that you all

    He reigns
    He reigns
    He reigns
    Forever and ever

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