Quiet strength under pressure

SCRIPTURE: Mark 15:1-5
You are standing before your superior (teacher, boss, leader), accused of wrongdoing.
Everyone is speaking against you, no one stands up for you.
The accusations are ridiculous, unfair, unbelievable, yet everyone seems to believe them.
How do you respond?
Anger, vehement denial, your own accusations against your accusers?
Pilate is amazed, he knows how people normally respond when standing accused before him.
Jesus offers no defence, no protest, no resistance… in this sense He is silent.
When He did speak, it was with calmness, honesty, integrity, and allowed the truth to speak for itself.
When you are accused, beware of fighting back, you may become like your accusers.
Like Jesus, speak with calmness, honesty, integrity, and allowed the truth to speak for itself.
And know that even if no one stands with you, the Lord will be with you, and be your defence (2 Timothy 4:16-17)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, Your strength under pressure amazes me too. I do not have that strength… on my own. Help me to rely on You and Your Spirit in times like this, and to respond with calmness, honesty, integrity, like You.


  1. Are you the King of the Jews? By answering this “Yes” Jesus put himself in danger. This is a very politically charged question. By saying that he was the king of the Jews, he was taking away the authority of Caesar, who appointed Herod as King of the Jews. Herod may not have appreciated someone making this claim either. With the number of people who were following him, It looks like the religious people were trying to make Jesus into a political leader. But it seems that the claim that Jesus makes, about being King of the Jews does not immediately brand him as a traitor, but rather the trial continues.

    Jesus answered this question, but does not answer his accusers on their many false accusations. As Norm says, this amazed Pilot, and shows a sense of restraint. Getting into an escalating argument over lies does not help the situation.

    I pray that I can keep my calm when under pressure, when being accused, and I pray that God will give me the words to speak when needed.

  2. Observation/Application
    The Sanhedrin met during the night time in order to judge Jesus. The darkness hides their secrets. I think not. They were never to meet then. Anything to make their plan work. Hopelessness. Alone.
    Yet no response from Christ.
    The opposition stands amazed. Can’t understand. They expected more.

    But you and I know we are never alone for the Lord our God is with us wherever we go. That is His promise and that is our strength and security also this day. God with us.


    Thank You Lord for Your willingness to stand up and do what You did so that I am never alone, forsaken nor forgotten. This Advent season once again reminds me of the gift. Thank You for those reminders of my strength in You Lord.

    You Lord
    My strength is in You Lord
    My hope is in You Lord
    In You, It’s in You (repeat)

    I will praise You with all of my life
    I will praise You with all of my strength
    With all of my life
    With all of my strength
    All of my hope is in You!

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