
Humility is an elusive quality to pursue.
The more you think of yourself being humble, the less humble you are (because you’re thinking of yourself).
“Moses wasn’t very proud at all. In fact, he had less pride than anyone else on the face of the earth.” (Numbers 12:3)
What makes this verse interesting is that supposedly Moses was the author of this line… is that humility?
Actually, I suspect this is a commentary by someone who knew Moses.
How does a person get to be this humble… not by trying.
Humility comes through the back door, it is the result of something else.
Of thinking of God and others more, which in the process leads to thinking of ourselves less.
So to be humble, think more about God and others, don’t think less of yourself.
To focus on God, think about His greatness, what He has done or is doing in your life, thank Him daily for His undeserved kindness, share with others how great God is in your life.
To focus on others, honour them, focus on and value what they do that is good, hope for the best, look for the positive, see the potential, forgive their weaknesses, allow God to deal with their failures or sins.
Do things that make God and others smile, do them behind the scenes, and don’t look for attention or appreciation.
Through this process, pray for the Spirit of God to strengthen this God/other focus.
For at the end of the day, humility is not something we do, but something that results from what God does in us.
He expands our heart for Him and others.

One Comment

  1. Biblical humility does not carry the same connation as the word humility does in modern American culture. Most people believe humility is having a feeling that one is unimportant, weak, or poor. This is not Biblical humility. Biblical humility is not a feeling. It is independent of the opinions (good or bad) of others, and it is not measured by comparing ones self to others [see Luke 18:9-14 ]. Biblical humility is simply and honestly recognizing ones dependence on God.

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