The pressures of leadership

John Maxwell speaks of the ‘whale’ leadership principle.
Whoever comes to the surface tends to get harpooned.
David is king, you would think life would be easy for him.
But leadership is a tough place to be, with huge responsibility.
And there are always people ready to criticize, to accuse, to undermine, to attack.
Some leaders become hardened, stubborn, others fall into unhealthy or immoral escapes or abuses.
David seems to be broken, desperate, turning to God for help and hope.
He sees himself protected by God (as in a fortified tower), safe with God (as on a lofty rock).
He pleads for God to guide, support and protect him as king… not just for his own sake but for his kingdom.
When we face criticism as a leader (employer, teacher, supervisor, parent), where do we turn.
Do I come to God in humility and dependence, and rely on Him for guidance, support and protection?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I often feel pressure as a leader, and I often sense the subtle questioning or criticizing of my role. Help me not to be stubborn, heartless or stupid, help me to rely on and follow You. Help me to be a humble servant leader.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    David is in touch with God. Not only by prayer but also by His leading – ‘lead me to the rock that is higher than I.’ He knows his refuge and his tower of strength for it is God who enables. God is the wind beneath his wings and give the ‘lift’ he needs and also the protection.
    I need to realize daily that I too am in His presence and my mouth needs to proclaim His goodness and power and strength each day. I need to go forward this day enabled by His presence. I must lift my eyes to the hill from where my help comes. That is the power for today and all my tomorrows.

    Oh Master let me walk with Thee also this day You have created for service free. Be my Enabler in all I do and say.

    Lift High the Cross, the love of Christ proclaims
    Till all the world adore His sacred Name

    Come Christians follow where our Savior trod
    Our King victorious Christ the son of God


    Led on their way by this triumphant sign
    The hosts of God in conqu’ring ranks combine


    O Lord once lifted on this glorious tree
    As Thou hast promised draw men unto Thee


    Set up Thy throne that earth’s despair may cease
    Beneath the shadow of its healing peace


    For Thy blest Cross which doth for all atone
    Creation’s praises rise before Thy Throne.

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