How God guides Jesus… and me!

SCRIPTURE: Mark 14:12-16
How did Jesus know that they would meet the man carrying a water jar?
We sometimes think that because Jesus is God in a body, He knows everything.
But Jesus was emptied of His God-powers (Philippians 2:6-8), He did not know everything (Mark 13:32).
I suspect that it was in His quiet time alone with God that God revealed to Jesus the specifics of this man, this home, this “guest room” upstairs.
And I think that He can help us in the same way as well, as we take time with God each day.
I have had this happen to me also, God revealing to me in my time alone with Him how things will unfold.
It is not usually as clear as this, but occasionally it has been… it depends on what God wants to reveal.
What I sense God saying to me in this story of Jesus is that God is at work arranging all the details, for Jesus and for me.
I am not struggling through life alone, trying to make my own way without God’s help.
God is at work in the daily details of my life too, and if He chooses to, He will let me know what I need to know.
But I won’t know if I don’t spend time alone with Him (as Jesus did), receiving the guidance, encouragement and direction from Him that I need to make it through each day.
How did Jesus know… the same way we can know… by opening ourselves to God each day.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, too often I jump into my day on my own, with my own resources, relying on my own insight. Help me to rely on God like You did, trusting that God will provide exactly what I need to fulfill my calling for each day.


  1. Observation/Application
    God speaks.
    In my reading the Bible in a year from BibleGateway, it was about Paul going to Jerusalem and onto Rome. How did he know? God spoke to him loud and clear although his friends had different thoughts until they gave in.
    Listening to God’s voice saying – ‘This is the Way. Walk in it.’
    Time and time again, I read in Paul’s life story, about The Way. God led him in The Way. God led Jesus in The Way. And He continues to lead His people like you and me in The Way.
    I need to be like a Samuel, hearing the voice of God – speak Lord, for Your servant is listening. Open my ears Lord so that I hear Your voice loud and clear showing me how to live this day to Your praise and glory.
    And in order to hear You speaking, I must spend time alone with You each day – a breakaway to be totally in Your presence – talking with my Father.

    Thank You Lord for the quiet times. Thank You Lord for starting each day anew in Your presence. Use me this day for Your purpose. Let me hear You speaking and leading in The Way I need to go this day.

    O let me hear Thee speaking in accents clear and still,
    Above the storms of passion, the murmurs of self will.
    O speak to reassure me, to hasten or control;
    O speak, and make me listen, Thou Guardian of my soul.

  2. I am thankful for the reminder the I am never alone. And how exciting is it that God wants to have a relationship and reveal things to me as I spend time with him? I notice in today’s passage that Jesus is used to hearing God’s voice and tells the disciples very matter-of-fact-ly what will happen. When God reveals things to me I often question, wonder and doubt and then afterwards I am awed when it was actually real. Lord, I pray that in our time together, I will become more sensitive to your voice.

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