Not the messiah we expected?

SCRIPTURE: Mark 12:35-40
Not the Jesus… and not the enemies… they expected.
The Jews were desperately hoping for God’s Messiah, a king just like (a son of) their greatest king, David.
They saw David as the template, and the messiah as a copy.
Jesus shows that David (in Psalm 110) saw it the other way around: the Messiah would be his Lord (master) too!
The Jews did not understand who the Messiah was: God Himself coming to do what David and all other ‘shepherds’ (leaders) didn’t (see Ezekiel 34:7-16).
The Jews also didn’t understand who their enemies were; they expected the Messiah to rescue them from the Romans.
Jesus makes it clear that the real enemy is the sinful human heart, as best seen in their own religious leaders.
Pretending to be good (lengthy prayers) while being cruel (devouring widows houses).
Yes, the Romans were also guilty of this, but so were the Jews, and so were the religious leaders.
God comes into the world as Jesus Messiah to save us from ourselves, our sinful, selfish human nature.
This is how He restores His kingdom paradise – not by changing others for us, but changing us and others.
Its a lot harder to listen with delight when He points His finger at our own hearts.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, when I first came to You, I wanted You to fix my life and my world. Now I see that You want to fix me. Help me to see that this is what I really need.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    The people were looking for a deliverer just like David freed the people then. This was a reason for some to follow and others just loved to listen to His stories. The ‘story telling man.’

    Yet the religious leaders who should have know the Scriptures did not love the Word but lived for the praise of their position and respect of people. The were show people who did not show the people the Way to the truth. Deceivers. Law breakers. Egotists. Pride full. Living at the people’s expense. Shepherds they were not. Hirelings. Wanting the praise of men.

    And I? Where am I today?

    Help me this day to live for Jesus. I need a servant heart doing all things in Your ‘garden’ as a living witness that Christ is Lord. Others must see Christ living in me and that I serve Him. Help me to do that this day Lord. Lead me and guide me daily by Your Spirit.

    Step by step, O loving Savior,
    In Thine own appointed way,
    In the path which Thou hast chosen,
    Lead us on, from day to day.

    Lead us on, O lead us ever,
    Till we all Thy face shall see:
    For our hope is in Thy mercy,
    We are trusting only Thee.

    Lead us on, though stormy billows
    Wild and dark before us rise;
    Let Thy precious bow of promise
    Shine resplendent from the skies.


    Lead us on, our souls defending,
    Till the latest storm is past,
    And we hear our loved ones singing,
    “Welcome, welcome home at last!”

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