The kind of prayer God supports!

SCRIPTURE: Mark 11:20-26
Prayer is not a technique to get something from God; it is a personal relationship.
When we are bonded with someone in love, we work together and support each other.
If one person moves, the other moves with them; they decide and work together.
Jesus is partnering with God in a close, personal way; when He acts, God acts with Him.
And He is focused on what God wants, and is doing, and is committed to God’s purpose.
Jesus’ cursing the fig tree is not an act of judgment, but a warning of love.
He is urging people to repent and receive God’s forgiveness, and unite with God in loving relationship.
When we join God in His kingdom purpose – including forgiveness – we can count on His support: “it will be done for them.”
If we close our hearts to God’s heart for reconciliation, we also close ourselves to His loving support.
God wants to help us as we help Him, but we need join Him in His work of forgiveness and reconciliation.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, help me to open my heart to You, to strengthen my fellowship and partnership with You, and to express Your love and mercy to those You put in my life. When I pray this way, I can be certain “it will be done for me!”

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    The fruitless fig tree had withered and died. As the fig tree was to bear fruit, so are God’s people. No fruit – no life. We all are to bear good fruit – the fruit of the Spirit. Yet as we see in the cleansing of the temple, it wasn’t happening.

    As the tree needs nourishment, so do I. I need to be connected to the Source which is the Lord. Granted into the vine to receive the power and energy for today. I need to prayerfully continue my walk with Him in all I do and say. I need His guidance each and every day to enlighten me along the way so that I can bear the good fruit – walking/working in His SonShine each day.

    Help me to be an instrument of Your peace.

    [Chorus] The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. The fruit of the Spirit
    [Verse] The fruit of the Spirit shows Jesus in me through Love: I will put others first. Joy: I will be okay with what I have. Peace: I won’t be afraid because I trust in God.
    The fruit of the Spirit
    The fruit of the Spirit shows Jesus in me through Patience: I will wait without complaining. Kindness: I will be nice to everyone. Goodness: I will do what is right.
    The fruit of the Spirit
    The fruit of the Spirit shows Jesus in me through Faithfulness: I will not quit. Gentleness: I will care for others when they mess up. Self-control: I will think before I act.
    The fruit of the Spirit

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