Let the sinners come to me!

SCRIPTURE: Mark 10:46-52
Someone desperately wants Jesus’ help and mercy, but he is rebuked and silenced.
I sense this still happens today; most people sense their need for hope and help, but the church has hindered them.
We put up barriers, we tell them to be quiet, to dress up, to change, to become like us, if they want to come to Jesus.
I am convinced that many people the church bypasses or ignores or silences are the very ones that Jesus stops for.
It’s not that He’s fine with their condition, but that He knows they need to come to Him first so that He can help them.
We come to Jesus just as we are – blind, sick, sinful – but when we meet Jesus, we do not stay as we are.
Our job is not to change people, nor can we even expect them to change, until they meet Jesus.
And that change can take time, as Jesus draws out from our hearts what we want, and what we need.
Transformation is a process for all of us, it comes through ongoing interaction with Jesus and the inworking of His Spirit.
We should be open, welcoming communities of Jesus-followers, helping people interact with Jesus just as they are, so that He can help transform them just as He wants them to be.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive us for putting up barriers as Christians to those who are desperate, needy, sinful. Help me to see that every person’s greatest need to is be brought into Your presence, so that You can do Your work in them!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Bartimaeus was not only blind but he was also poor. It sounds that he had heard of Jesus before and what He had done for he calls out to Jesus in hope. He was not a rich blind man, but a poor blind man looking for people to have mercy on him for life. Christ calls him and heals him and he follows Him.

    There are many blind walking around today and it is by the grace of God that they will be able to see. It is only Christ Jesus who is able to give sight and insight and perspective and vision for rightful daily living. Oh Lord, help me to see. Open my eyes Lord that I may see You this day.

    How often does the Scriptures say – ‘they have eyes but doe not see?’ Our seeing is totally dependent upon God. We too/I too need to be healed by His grace and power so that I can see Him clearly and not through a mirror darkly. Lead me and guid me along the way Lord as I continue to follow Your leading.

    Open my eyes so that I do see Your leading this day You have made.

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Open the eyes of my heart
    I want to see You
    I want to see You
    Repeat Chorus
    To see You high and lifted up
    Shining in the light of Your glory
    Pour out Your power and love
    As we sing “Holy, Holy, Holy”
    “Holy, Holy, Holy”
    “Holy, Holy, Holy”
    I want to see you
    I want to see you
    Repeat All
    I want to see you (Oh Lord)
    I want to see you

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