One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Position and power. Influence. Domination. Authority. Control. These are the passwords of many today in their daily work and daily living. Their way or the highway. But Christ’s way is like the way expressed in the Be-attitudes – totally different than the world’s way. We are here to serve and not lord it over others. Our example, my example must be an example of service. Christ Jesus did the same – serve. And we must follow His example. Serve.

    In my daily living I must be an example in my walk and talk and work how to serve willingly so that others can see and can learn by my example. I need to do all with an open heart as serving the Lord. No my will, but His be done. May others see Christ Jesus living in me by my work ethic, my daily living – that I am His and He is mine.

    Help me this day Lord to be an instrument of Your peace.

    Make me a servant, humble and meek
    Lord, let me lift up, those who are weak.
    And may the pray’r of my heart always be;
    Make me a servant, make me a servant,
    Make me a servant, today.

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