God has to repeat Himself!

SCRIPTURE: Mark 8:1-10
Is this just another version of a single feeding miracle, or did it happen on several occasions.
But if it happened on several occasions, why didn’t the disciples figure it out the second time?
If they saw Him do it once, why did they not expect it again?
Good question, though we should never underestimate people’s inability to get things.
We look at this from a distance, we smugly think we know better… but how quickly do we get things?
Throughout the bible we read stories of people who continually question and doubt, even after seeing one miracle after another.
The skeptics mind is alive and well in all of us, and I am sure God has to repeat Himself often with us.
How many miracles have we experienced, yet we have not seen them, appreciated them, believed them, remembered them?
How many times has God stepped in to help us, to provide for us, to teach us… and we forget.
Today God will be repeating Himself to us in the details of our lives; instead of accusing the disciples of not getting it, look at your own life and consider what you may not be getting.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You do so much for me, in me, through me, yet I am so slow to learn, to appreciate, to remember. Open my eyes today to see the miraculous ways You are at work in my life, day after day after day.

One Comment

  1. Jesus provides for our needs. It sounds like they were having quite a time in this remote place. Thousands of people –perhaps around 10,000 as they didn’t bother to count the women and children, were there already for 3 days, listening to Jesus and hanging out. So just telling them that the service was finally over, and telling them to go home would be problematic. The local restaurants and grocery stores would not even have enough food for this crowd.

    Jesus took this problem to heart, and turned it into a blessing for the people. He gave them what they needed. The physical laws of nature were not followed. Matter cannot be created or destroyed, just changed from one form to another. Except for this case, in which food was created, more than what was started with. God took care of his people.

    As Norm has mentioned today, this has happened before. We even read of stuff like this happening in the Old Testament with the woman not running out of oil for a long time, until the famine in the land past. God takes care of us.

    I pray that I will put my faith in God, for supplying my needs. I thank Him for his blessings, and look to Him for my comfort.

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