Hollow religion satisfies no one!

God is not impressed by our offerings, our acts of service, our songs or our buildings.
He owns everything, He needs nothing from us; He is not needy or dependent on us.
But He does want us to love and honour Him as God: “Bring me thank offerings, because I am your God.”
And more than that, DO what He says: honour truth, be compassionate, stop gossiping, help those in need, stand up for justice, speak up for the oppressed.
These are the kinds of offerings God wants, this is the kind of life God values.
When people become pious and religious for church, but live in selfish, mean-spirited ways through the week, God is not impressed.
When we sing “All for Jesus” on Sunday but live “All for Me” through the week, God is not impressed.
This kind of empty, external religious stinks to God, and also causes many others to reject God.
God invites us to join Him in love, not because He needs us but because we need Him.
When we know God this way, life becomes full, and love overflows… this is the kind of life we’re all looking for.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, hollow religion does nothing for You, nothing for others, and nothing for me. Help me to have the real kind of love, the real kind of relationship, the real kind of life!

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