The kind of rich that really matters!

Sooner or later, rich or poor, wise or foolish, we are all going to die.
The psalmist is focusing on people who spend their whole lives seeking happiness through wealth.
But in the long run having money does not buy happiness of long life or security.
Understanding, or wisdom, is more valuable than gold or silver or large investments or pensions.
“What good is it if someone gains the whole world but loses his soul? Or what can anyone trade for his soul? (Matthew 16:26)
Jesus invites us to join Him in investing our lives that really matter: God, God’s family, God’s world.
Those who choose to follow Him may seem to sacrifice temporary happiness and security for a time, but in the long run they gain so much more.
Sadly, many people try to have both but Jesus makes it clear that you cannot love both, you will end up losing one for the other. (Matthew 6:24).
We’re all going to die someday; it is wiser, better, to invest yourself in treasures that cannot fade than to seek, because then you will be rich and secure forever!
Everyone who has left houses or families or fields because of me will receive 100 times as much. They will also receive eternal life. (Matthew 19:29)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, the richest person in the world is the person who is loved by, and loves You, and loves people as well. I want to be rich like this, rich in love and rich in good deeds.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Wealth. What role does it play in our lives? The striving after? The heart’s desire? The wanting? Our hearts desire must be serving the Lord. All that I have is His and to be used in the building of His kingdom. All the blessing the people of God receive are to be used as blessings for Kingdom service.. I am not my own and my wealth in not mine. All belongs to my faithful Saviour, Jesus Christ and so do I.

    Lord I know it all goes ‘back into the box’ when this earthly life is done but help me to use the gifts given for Your service.

    Not what these hands have done
    can save this guilty soul,
    not what this toiling flesh has borne
    can make my spirit whole.

    Not what I feel or do
    can give me peace with God;
    not all my prayers, and sighs, and tears
    can bear my aweful load.

    Thy work alone, O Christ,
    can ease this weight of sin;
    Thy blood alone, O Lamb of God,
    can give me peace within.

    Thy love to me, O God,
    not mine, O Lord, to Thee,
    can rid me of this dark unrest,
    and set my spirit free.

    Thy grace alone, O God,
    to me can pardon speak;
    Thy power alone, O Son of God,
    can this sore bondage break.

    I bless the Christ of God,
    I rest on love divine,
    and with unfaltering lip and heart,
    I call this Saviour mine.

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