When familiarity breeds contempt

SCRIPTURE: Mark 6:1-6
Wow, Jesus could not do miracles among those who knew Him best.
Is it possible that people who are close to Jesus can actually be closed to Him, and not experience His blessing?
Is it that we take Him for granted, or that we know too much, and it confuses or distracts us from simply believing?
Our theology (our biblical knowledge about God) keeps us from our fellowship with God.
I’ve noticed that often new or non-Christians trust God for more than I do, their faith seems simpler and stronger than mine.
What does God want to do in your life, that you are not allowing Him to do?
What is Jesus trying to address in you, that you are closed to Him addressing?
Maybe we need to rethink what we know about Jesus, maybe we need to rediscover Him for Who He is (and not just Who we think He is).
Like a Corn Flakes commercial from many years ago, trying to revive peoples’ interest in that old, familiar cereal: ‘taste them again for the very first time!’
What is at stake is whether you experience God’s power in your life… He may not be able to do a miracle in your life because you are closed to Him.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, show me again Who You really are, and impress on me again how great You really are. Open my heart so that You can work Your power in my life, and bring me into all that You desire for me.


  1. Observation/Application
    As a teacher or even as a parent, we marvel at what our students or our children have become. And I stand amazed. He’s doing what today? She’s doing what? Well I wold have never thought that 🙂 All too often we decide on other peoples capabilities from our experience with them or of our knowledge of them. Our view colours their capabilities but we are not in control. God is. He uses His people His wonders to perform. Do I have the eyes to see just that?
    We are in the Potter’s hands and He is able to do mighty things through His people today. Increase my faith Lord. Make me aware of the mighty things going on today. Give me the eyes to see Your handiwork.
    My world belongs to God. Help me always to look at all things with Biblical glasses.

    Open the eyes of my heart Lord.

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    I am looking, I am listening
    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Help me to know Your will (repeat)
    The right word to say,
    the best move to make
    Who’s in need of a helping hand
    For Your perfect ways are worthy of praise
    I delight just to do Your plan
    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    I am looking, I am listening
    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Help me to know Your will (repeat to beginning)
    Help me to know Your will
    Help me to know Your will

  2. The word “amazed” seems to come up a lot in Mark. Jesus comes home and starts preaching at church on the Sabbath. What he says is amazing. The people think that the things he talks about is great. Then they start to realize who he is. They knew him growing up. I know this feeling from growing up in a small town. It is never easy to become a leader in your own home town. People generally remember you and have you pegged. The people did not want to believe that Jesus was anything more than the carpenter’s son that they grew up with.

    We also read that Jesus was amazed. He was amazed at the lack of faith of the people in town. He could only perform a few miracles because of the lack of faith. Is Jesus amazed at the lack of faith in my town? We certainly are not seeing a huge amount of miracles in town. What does it mean to have the kind of faith that Jesus expected when he moved from place to place?

    I pray that I can have the faith that Jesus wants from me, and that I can help this faith to grow in those around me.

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