Sharing God’s family values!

SCRIPTURE: Mark 3:31-35
We are all related somehow; everyone is my brother or sister, not just immediate family members.
Yet Jesus does limit the family bond to some extent: to those who do what God wants.
What God wants (love, justice, truth, generosity, etc.) is what we need to enjoy God’s family blessing.
Only those who embrace God’s family values enjoy that familial bond.
Everyone belongs to God’s family, but not everyone embraces it.
Those who embrace cruelty, deception, greed, slander, etc. put themselves outside of God’s family bond.
They are not kicked out of God’s family, but they put themselves out of it, they estrange themselves.
To think of every person as your brother or sister will affect how you respond to them.
It does not make things easier, but with God’s help and personal determination, it can make things better.
I cannot help everyone, but I can help someone… if I care to.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, my brother is homeless, my sister is raped, my mother is starving, my father is unemployed. I can’t help everyone, but I can pray, I can care, and I can do something.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application:
    Jesus had great crowds following Him as He taught them. His family came and sent someone in to say that they were there and Christ’s response ‘Who is my family?’
    Christ died for all – all people are of the family – yet all do not desire to be part of the family of God. His family consists of all who do His will, who desire to be His children, obeying His command – Love God. Love neighbour. Other can see that they are part of the family by their love.
    Knowing = Loving = Doing – a never ending circle.

    Help me this day Lord to show the love of Christ in me.

    All the future years are held within the Father’s keeping;
    On the pages yet unturned, we cannot read a line;
    But His promises, like stars, will light the night of weeping;
    All along our pilgrim way, His word will shine.
    Love is shining all along our way;
    God is caring for us every day;
    Lord, whatever changes in our lives may be,
    Oh, may our hearts be stayed on Thee!
    Press with courage on your way, for Jesus goes before us;
    He will strengthen us anew, for tasks He may assign;
    Let the children of the King ring out a happy chorus;
    All along our pilgrim way, His grace will shine.
    Ever will we trust His word, and trust our Father’s caring;
    Ever will we rest our faith upon His truth divine;
    Looking to the mercy seat, in joy we go declaring,
    All along our pilgrim way, His love will shine.

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