To what am I devoted?

SCRIPTURE: Mark 3:1-6
The ultra-conservative Pharisees hated the compromising Herodians.
The former were devoted to obeying the Law, the latter to pandering to Herod.
But here they have something in common, they both hate Jesus even more.
Jesus did not share their devotion to legalism or liberalism, He was devoted to love.
If the Pharisees truly understood the Law, they would be devoted to love to.
If Herod was a good king, he would be devoted to the well-being of his subjects.
Ultimately, both parties were more devoted to themselves, and this angered Jesus.
They were willing to ally themselves with people they hated to overcome someone they hated more… someone devoted to love!
It makes me wonder who the clergy and politicians of today are devoted to?
And it makes me wonder who I am devoted to most of all?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You love people, You love me, You love mercy, You love justice. But selfishness and indifference to those in need angers You. Help me to love what You love, and do what You do.

One Comment

  1. Jesus saw the need to help people. This was not limited to a 5 day work week. In fact he may have had more opportunity to heal people on the Sabbath, as that may be a day when people came out of the house, or away from their work to meet in a public place. The religious of that day had an issue with Jesus healing on the Sabbath, but Jesus met people at all times, and did what was right. He became angry with those who had a problem with him healing on the Sabbath. And the religious people of the day started to look for a way to kill him. This seems to be a severe way to think with a difference of opinion. In spite of knowing how strongly the religious felt about this issue, Jesus had compassion, and continued to heal on the Sabbath.

    Do we look for ways to have compassion and bring about healing when we can? Do we take risks and do the unpopular thing, if it is the right thing to do? I pray that I will have the will and the courage to stand up for what is right, and that I will be given opportunity to bless and help others, at any time, and any day of the week.

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