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  1. Observations/Applications:
    Saul died. The Lord’s anointed – those who have put in place to serve Him was dead. David, anointed to be king, never took advantage of that while Saul was still alive. He recognized the position given by the Lord.
    Over time, David grew stronger and Saul lineage grew weaker. David walked with the Lord and the people saw and heard that David walked with the Lord and sought His way.
    David sought the way of the Lord and he reigned 40 years as king. The Lord blessed the ‘works’ of his hands – not for himself but for His kingdom. However, David took more women for himself – wives and concubines.
    In His battles, David inquired of the Lord. I must do the same each day -inquire of the Lord and live in His presence in all I do and say. I am in His presence always and forevermore.
    David danced before the Lord when the ark was brought home. David celebrated God’s presence even to his wife’s dismay. His happiness was in the Lord. He danced for joy for the joy of the Lord was his strength. It needs to be mine also. Taking a stand and being counted in His presence.
    David talks with His God – what his role was – in the presence of his great God. Give praise! Inquire of Him the way to travel – to reveal the way to go. Stand on the everlasting promises of God!
    In the victories, David dedicated articles to the Lord. He recognized that the Lord gave him the victory. I too, need to see that the Lord has blessed me and is still blessing me daily as I live in His world doing His will in my daily living.
    Know the Lord God. Talk with the Lord God. Walk with the Lord God. Do the will of the Lord God. Bless and praise the Lord God each day and always. Be GodStrong to LiveStrong.

    Help me Lord each day to walk and talk to You so that each day I serve a risen Saviour.

    I come to the garden alone
    While the dew is still on the roses
    And the voice I hear falling on my ear
    The Son of God discloses.
    And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
    And He tells me I am His own;
    And the joy we share as we tarry there,
    None other has ever known.
    He speaks, and the sound of His voice,
    Is so sweet the birds hush their singing,
    And the melody that He gave to me
    Within my heart is ringing.
    I’d stay in the garden with Him
    Though the night around me be falling,
    But He bids me go; through the voice of woe
    His voice to me is calling.

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